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GunSlinger Spawn #37 – Kidnapped Fugitive on the Run


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Javier has been arrested and awaiting his fate well worrying about his loved ones. Unfortunately for him that’s the smallest of his problems, both figuratively and physically.

Credit: Image Comics

GunSlinger Spawn #37

Written By Todd McFarlane – Art By Carlo Barberi

Colors By Ivan Nunes – Letters By Tom Orzechowski

Edited By Thomas Healy – Published By Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Locked Up

Monolith is on the hunt for the GunSlinger Spawn and won’t stop till he hunts him down. Meanwhile, Javier is locked up and trying to keep the police off the scent of his loved ones. Linda, however, has been named as a possible accomplish.

Monolith has discovered that Javier is the GunSlinger Spawn and is closing in. At the same time Javier dad has also found his son and is using his underworld connections to “protect” him. Who will get to Javier first and what will this mean for the GunSlinger?

A GunSlinger on the Run

Todd McFarlane has really created a great world with GunSlinger Spawn. This story has a little for everyone. The action is good, the fugitive storyline has a familiarity to it, the criminal family tie in hits, and of course monstrous bad guys are a Spawn staple.

The art in this book has that classic Spawn feel to it, even though it’s a spinoff. That similarity makes longtime fans of Spawn feel comfortable with this book. The depiction of violence and action in this issue are second to none.

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Final Thoughts

GunSlinger Spawn #37 is an action-packed, high-octane thrill ride. The story has a lot of heart and really makes you root for our protagonist. This is a good pick up at the LCS for Spawn fans who have stuck with the franchise as well as ones who may have checked out.

Final Grade: 9/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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