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Amazing Spider-Man #60 – An Issue of Goodbyes


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ASM #60:

They say you don’t know what you have till it’s gone. And for some Spider-Man fans, this may not be true of Zeb Wells’ Spidey run, but I would disagree.

The past few issues have shown us what could be with Zeb and the last 4-5 issues have been nothing short of heart-pumping, enthralling and an arc that I believe will be a classic in due time.

But all good things must come to an end and that includes Zeb’s writing on Spider-Man and his arc featuring the trial of Tombstone.

Art is subjective, always has been, always will be. Zeb thank you for your passion, humor and creativety throughout your 60 issues of Spider-Man. JR, thank you for being an icon, who continues to produce at an A-list level. And Spider-Man, thank you for always carrying the burden of great responsibility!

Creative Team:

Amazing Spider-Man 60
Amazing Spider-Man 60 – credit: Marvel Ent

Writer: Zeb Wells

Artist: John Romita Jr.

Letters: VC’S Joe Caramagna

Color Artist: Marcio Menyz

Inker: Scott Hanna

PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics

The Art:

As the trial of Tombstone comes to a close, the art is ever more important, as the storyline is emotional and poignant.

Tombstone has won, but he’s also lost. He’s walking free, but Spider-Man got to him and stopped him from doing the unthinkable.

Romita is able to put this on the page in facial cues, subtle head turns and more.

The Writing:

There is a lot of excellent writing in this one, especially as the Tombstone case wraps up and as May and Spider-Man have a special talk of sorts about Peter.

May is able to see that Peter has to work with Spidey (though we know they are the same person.) She worries about Peter’s safety, but knows he wouldn’t be true to himself without risking life and limb to help our neighborhood wall crawler.

It’s a really nice final issue from Zeb and one that is almost a message to the audience about our favorite superhero.

We get a few extra stories from Zeb as a final swan song, as well. We get a teamup with MJ, an appearance by Wolverine and much more.

Zeb clearly had a lot of ideas he wanted to flush out before saying goodbye and they are definitely some fun reads.

Overall: 9/10

I’m going to miss this run and you should too. It was unique, something that only a writer like Zeb could bring to the table and we always need to see our favorite heroes from new perspectives.

Next Issue, we get Doom! But let’s savor this one just a bit longer before it’s officially in the history books!

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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