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The Power Fantasy #3 – Life of an Angel


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Creative Team – Kieron Gillen(writer). Caspar Wijngaard(artist). Clayton Cowles(letterer). Rian Hughes(designer). Katie West(editor).

Published by Image Comics

Catch up with The Power Fantasy #2!

Cover art by Caspar Wijngaard. Published by Image Comics

“On July 16, 1945 the world changed forever. Santa Valentina was born. There was also the Trinity test, but that’s not as important.
As the world hangs in the balance, we explore the life and times of the girl who fell…skipped…to Earth.
Also: check out that cow!”

An Angelic Beginning

Jumping into The Power Fantasy #3, I have to say I really enjoyed the third installment as it gave us a better look at Valentina, the angel of The Power Fantasy. We get to see when Valentina was born in Brazil and her motives have always been, to help people. While reading, you also get a pretty good idea at how much of a threat the government viewed her and how far they were willing to go to get rid of her. It was interesting to see Valentina’s backstory as I find her to be the most compelling of the Family. I loved seeing that she has always kept her mission of saving everyone so consistent throughout her entire life.

Atomic Siblings

Something else I really enjoyed was getting a closer look at Valentina and Etienne’s relationship and where it all started. I didn’t realize it started when they were so young, but it makes sense with their sibling-like relationship we’ve seen in The Power Fantasy. The more backstory we get with the characters, the more obsessed I am with the comic. Kieron Gillen does a fantastic job at giving each of these characters a backstory that could honestly be its own comic run. The Power Fantasy really showcases Gillen’s talent with how he’s able to fit so much into these comics without it feeling like there’s too much happening at once.

Variant cover art by Paulina Ganucheau. Published by Image Comics

The Art

With the art by Caspar Wijngaard and the letters by Clayton Cowles combined with Gillen’s writing, they really make an excellent team for The Power Fantasy. The art from Wijngaard is perfect for the story with the hard hitting drawings of the characters juxtaposed with the vibrant abstract backgrounds that give it that fantasy vibe. Wijngaard expertely makes each character feel larger than life and makes them seem like the focus of the comic with how unique each of them look.

Final Thoughts

All in all, The Power Fantasy continues to impress. It’s such an excellent read and leaves you wanting to know more about each character or has you on the edge of your seat with what will happen next with the Family. I look forward to reading the best issue and seeing what the creative team gives us!

9.5 out of 10

This review was written by Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of The Power Fantasy #2, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of MediaVerse: Comics Unwrapped on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer for Nerd Initiative.

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