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The Power Fantasy #2 – Family Values of the Amotics


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Creative Team – Kieron Gillen(writer). Caspar Wijngaard(artist). Clayton Cowles(letterer”). Rian Hughes(designer). Katie West(editor). Sweeney Boo(variant cover artist).

Published by Image Comics

Catch up with The Power Fantasy #1 here!

Cover Art by Caspar Wijngaard. Published by Image Comics

The Craziest Live Broadcast

Picking up where we left off in its predecessor, The Power Fantasy #2 shows Etienne taking over a live broadcast that’s in the middle of telling the audience about the death of the president and his staff. While he admits that any violence is a failure, Etienne ensures the audience that did what must be done. Because of his killing of the president, his staff, and everyone involved with the attack on Heavy, the death toll was the very least it could’ve been.

Tonya’s in the middle

In The Power Fantasy #1, Etienne was being interviewed by Tonya, a journalist with lower level abilities, and now she’s being questioned by the police as they search for Etienne. Before the conversation gets too heated between Tonya and the police, Etienne breaks Tonya out and makes it look like he’s kidnapped her. He tells her he has a safe place to take her after leaving the police station. With the help of Heavy, Tonya finds herself at the Haven, the safe territory for the Family. The Haven has the same kind of vibe as Krakoa does for the X-Men, which I think is really intriguing.

Another member of the Family, Masumi, is astonished by Etienne’s acts of violence and can’t understand how he can do something like that. While Etienne assures her it was the right thing to do, the conversation is still tense. While this was a small moment in the comic book, it’s something I look forward to seeing play out.

Back at the Haven, things are tense between Heavy and Tonya as they discuss Heavy being talked down by Etienne after he was attacked in the first issue. But Heavy does show remorse, which I didn’t expect. Heavy seems like a complex character that I’d love to know more about, as well as the rest of the Family.

The conversation is cut in half as Heavy is pulled out for a Family meeting, that Tonya isn’t invited to. Without giving any more away, the ending keeps the excitement going and the questions swirling around in your brain as to what’s going on and who are these new characters we’re being introduced to. I think The Power Fantasy #2 was an excellent continuation of the first edition that left me with more questions and more eagerness for the next issue.

Variant cover art by Sweeney Boo. Published by Image Comics.

The Art

Caspar Wijngaard continues to impress with his artstyle in The Power Fantasy #2. I really enjoyed how Haven was even more brightly colored with beautiful abstract backgrounds contrasting the very detailed characters. It gives so much more depth to an already complex and compelling story.

The Writing

The Power Fantasy #2 continues to keep you locked into the story with it’s extremely compelling characters. Each one is so different from the other but they really do have the dynamic of a family. I really enjoy how well Kieron Gillen is able to absolutely nail the character building at the same time as world building, and still everything feels so fluid and well put together. I’m looking forward to continuing to follow this run as it’s been an exciting ride so far.

I give this a 9 out of 10

This review was written by Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of The Power Fantasy #2, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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