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Rat City #6: History In The Making?


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Cover Artist: Don Aguillo Image Comics

 Writer Erica Schultz

Artist Ze Carlos 

Cover Artist Don Aguillo

Publisher: Image Comics 

In this recent issue of Rat City, a history lesson is explained.  It talks about how Rat City was not always an independent city, it was migrated. Most of the migration comes from the British armies, who came and took over New York.

It was a war between the British and the immigrants who migrated from their native land.  It also talked of them making jazz places, that was where they would congregate and there would be live music and drinks. 

The story is also told about the legend of “The King Of Rat City”  who protects the city. The King is always lurking around town.

There is a fight that ensues between Peter, The King of Rat City, and this worker who keeps hearing things in the distance. The worker ends up getting hurt, and then Peter ends up fleeing. The worker is saved, but at what cost? It is apparent there is another super soldier surgery that is initiated.

I really enjoy this week’s issue of having a history lesson. I think having a background of where Rat City came from, is important. There also seems to be a rich history that the citizens respect. It really mimics a lot of American history, that I have learned from being in school.

I also like the fact there is a “protector of the land” which is the “King of Rat City” who just jumps in and saves people. It really reminds me of a Spider-Man aspect of crime fighting and street-level fighting. Each comic panel is detailed, as always, and the art always stands out. I love the action sequences that are happening throughout the issue.  I’m really hoping that the worker survives the operation.

I give this a 8/10.

Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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