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The Infernals #5 – The Sinister Finale of the Anti-Christ


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What’s Up Comic Fans!? Rich from the NI Bullpen and we are having a celebration. With great honor I’m reviewing my first arc finale! This series has been an absolute gem, and it is not missed on me that this is a very important occasion.

The Infernals #5 is written by Noah Gardner & Ryan Parrott, art by John J. Pearson with Lola Bonato, letters by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, and edited by Michael Busuttil. The book is published by Image Comics.

Time for talk is over, it’s time to dive into the finale.

Credit: Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

I Planned the Whole Damn Thing

The Infernals #5 opens with a message from Abraham Morgenstern letting the reader know this finale is going to be epic. Abraham then gets led to a meeting in hell with his father, Lucifer. As father and son sit down to play chess, Abraham let’s his father know he has a plan.

Meanwhile, back at Bethlehem the Morgenstern children are making their final stand against the forces of hell led by Samuel. Nero, Jackal, and Baphomet say their last strategies before kicking off the fight. Jackal shows the power he now has after making a deal with the angels and the fight is on.

We then go between the chess game and fight. Both are going back and forth, until Abraham reveals his hand to his dad. The last pages of the story not only end the fight and give us closure. It also gives a twist and tease for a possible next arc.

It’s Over Now

The Infernals #5 was an awesome finale to a great arc. Noah Gardner & Ryan Parrott wrote a terrific story that from start to finish was amazing. The drama, action, and heart of this story was shown all the way through the series and especially here in the finale. In a world where most stories don’t stick the landing, The Infernals does.

The art in this book has been great through the entire run. John J. Pearson & Lola Bonato made every panel and every page pop off the paper. The use of the reds, purples, oranges, and yellows really gave that damnation feel. The detail in the characters and the range of emotion on their faces is top notch.

Check Out Another Review

Final Thoughts

If you have not read The Infernals, what are you waiting for! This is one of the best story arcs that I’ve read in recent memory. This finale tied up loose ends, let us know what is happening with characters we’ve grown to love, and even teases the future. This series is a must read and this finale is at the top of its game.

Final Grade: 10/10

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Richard Coryell
Richard Coryell
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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