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Exceptional X-Men #1 by Eve L. Ewing, Carmen Carnero, Nolan Woodard and Joe Sabino (Marvel Comics)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the world of the X-Men continues to expand from the ashes of the Krakoan Era. Life as they knew it is changed forever. Now back in a world that fears and hates Mutants more than ever, some are not ready to get back into the heroic spotlight. One in particular is ready to blend back into normalcy. Unfortunately for Kate Pryde, that is easier said than done.

Exceptional X-Men #1 by Eve L. Ewing, Carmen Carnero, Nolan Woodard and Joe Sabino follows along Kate’s new life post Krakoa and the one person trying to bring her back into the X-Life.

Let’s take a closer look at this brand new series!


Ewing gives readers an exciting and challenging read with this debut issue. Kate Pryde is a vastly changed person from her time on Krokoa. The actions there have taken a big toll on her. With the writing, Pryde tries finding some semblance of peace in human interaction. This becomes very short lived as her encounter with a young mutant kickstarts the old emotions that she’s trying so hard to suppress.

The ordeal with Trista (Bronze) plays out to a fun adventure. It feels like a throwback at times. Seeing Pryde jump in to help connects with readers that the “Old Kitty” is alive and well. Its’ fallout leads to a start of a much needed friendship for both. Some readers might see it as the passing of a torch to a certain degree. Ewing’s epilogue sets the seeds for something greater to play out. The chapter leaves with another familiar face back in the mix.


Carnero and Woodard capture the struggle for Kate to leave Krokoa behind. The wear on her face during interactions tells the underlying story. This builds into a night out for Kate and a bit of 4th wall breaking.

This rolls into a great one page splash showcasing Bronze transforming with her powers. Readers tag along as the panels flow swiftly through a concert. The two page splash features the unlikely “battlefield” Kitty and Bronze walk into. Readers watch as the unlikely duo connect as both need someone to help find their way in the new stat quo. The multi panel conversation cements that foundation.

How that will play out is up in the air due to another character’s introduction. It’s fitting for Emma Frost as Kate’s attempt to leave the past behind becoming increasingly short lived. Readers depart with a solid closing image leaving the door open for the creative team to run with. There’s a lot to enjoy with this new series.


Kate Pyrde’s past haunts her present in a solid addition to the ever-growing X line. Ewing’s writing builds on her search for a new “normal” while jumping back into what she does best: help others and kick ass. The art from Carnero, Woodard and Sabino set the stage for the next generation of X-Men to take off. The title fits the story: It was Exceptional.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Exceptional X-Men #1. Thanks for reading.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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