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G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero #309 Revenge in Ohio


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The Cobra Civil War continues! As Cobra and G.I. Joe continue fighting off Serpentor’s mutant cyborgs in Springfield, Ohio, Cobra Commander finds a weakness in the enemy that rallies his troops. Stormshadow, Snake Eyes, and Scarlet make their way through town and end up in the middle of Dawn Moreno’s personal dilemma. As this battle builds to a climax, the endgame may be on the horizon!

Courtesy of Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics. Cover art by Andy Kubert and Brad Anderson.

Cobra Showdown in Ohio!

Cobra Commander is the baddest man on the battlefield! The book opens with a standoff between Cobra Commanders forces and the cyborg mutants of Serpentor’s forces. When it seems like the mutants are unstoppable, Cobra Commander walks through the flames and starts blasting!

This issue felt like some of my favorite action movies. Walking through flames, heads exploding, high speed escapes through a jungle, motorcycles and chainsaws…what more can a guy ask for!?

Pulling Several G.I. Joe Threads All At Once

Larry Hama pushes the amplifier to 11 in this issue in a non stop fight for survival in the little town of Springfield, Ohio. There are several groups on their own missions in this issue and the movement from one to another never bogs down the pacing.

Courtesy of Skybound Entertainment and Image Comics. Cover art by Brad Walker and Francesco Segala.

While plenty of characters get a moment to shine, the emotional focus of this story centers on Dawn Moreno, or Snake Eyes II. When Stormshadow, Snake Eyes, and Scarlet happen upon a wreck of first responders. It’s there that Dawn comes face to face with the police officer that killed her parents. The team convinces her to leave as cyborg mutant forces converge on them, but the final page reveals that Dawn circled back, but for what purpose?!

Artwork That Fires on All Cylinders!

The artwork in this issue was as intense as the action! Paul Pelletier takes us on a ride with some intense visuals! Fire and blood find their way unto more than half of these panels! With so many characters appearing in one book, the task of drawing them all can get daunting. Pelletier keeps up with the details that can often get lost in these kinds of scenes.

Tony Kordos and Francesco Segala bring an unreal amount of depth to these scenes as well. With so much fire, lighting takes the forefront in their work. Shading plays such an integral part in all of that. They both succeed and what results is some top tier panels packed with action that moves and draws your attention.

Everything Points to 9/10

This one was a ton of fun! I’ve been in and out on G.I. Joe comics, mostly in on the Energon Universe, but this issue showed me what I’ve been missing! The action was bad-ass and the art made me feel like I was watching a movie. With so may story threads to pull on, I still felt engaged and extremely fascinated by all of it. Highly recommend this one to G.I. Joe fans and action movie fans alike.

Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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