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Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #3 – A Shocking Surprise


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Creative Team – Stephanie Phillips(writer). Federica Mancin(artist). Paolo Villanelli(“Epilogue” artist). Matt Milla(cover artist). VC’s Ariana Maher(letterer). Mark Brooks(cover artist). Ryan Stegman, Pablo Villalobos, Annie Wu, Skottie Young(variant cover artists).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Catch up with the review from Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #2! Enjoy!

Cover Art by Mark Brooks. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Identity Theft

Last we left Gwen, she was taken hostage by Chameleon and he had taken on her looks. Now it seems that Chameleon is trying to make the city of New York see the Ghost-Spider as a villain with all of the crimes he’s committing while impersonating her. At that moment, Gwen is tied up at his lair when she has a hallucination that her dad is standing in front of her. He gives her words of encouragement in the time she needs it most.

While the hallucination is comforting her, something happens to Gwen that can only be explained as an electric explosion of power. Fortunately, explosion destroys the chains keeping her hostage so she can be on her way to find the villain. She must find Chameleon and put an end to this crime spree and prove she’s a hero, not the villain Chameleon wants everyone to think she is. She finds Chameleon and the fight between the Ghost-Spiders begin.

Variant Cover Art by Skottie Young. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Art

As it’s been throughout this run, the art has been very solid consistently. The bright colors throughout each panel give it the right feel for a Spider-Gwen comic. Something I really loved in Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #3 was how the explosive power that came from Gwen was portrayed. The bright whites and blues made it feel larger than life. Another thing I thought was really well done was how Chameleon was illustrated when his powers were out of control at the end. It had a horror aspect to it that made me very anxious to see what’s in the next issue.

Variant Cover Art by Annie Wu. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

Something I really enjoyed was seeing Gwen in such a vulnerable space and having her see her dad come to her to comfort her. While it’s been known that she misses her life back on her former universe, it was heart wrenching to see how much she truly missed her dad. It was beautifully handled by Stephanie Phillips. With each installment, the writing shows just how talented a writer Phillips is. There’s so many complex factors in this run, and they’re all handled gracefully and with ease.

I give this a 9 out of 10.

This review was written by Megan from Vigilante Vibes: A Marvel Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Spider-Gwen: The Ghost-Spider #3, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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