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ABSOLUTE POWER: ORIGINS #1 by John Ridley, Alitha Martinez, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse and Steve Wands (DC Comics) cover-Dave Wilkins

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For this entry, the architect of DC Comics’ latest event is collecting victory after victory. Metahumans are being depowered. A scared public is being manipulated in her favor. The Trinity of Evil is on the brink of taking absolute control of the DCU. This is all going according to plan for AMANDA WALLER.

“The Wall” has never been shy about her feelings towards super heroes. Waller’s ruthlessness and determination is second to none. With Absolute Power within reach, Readers are about to see how it all began.

ABSOLUTE POWER: ORIGINS #1 by John Ridley, Alitha Martinez, Norm Rapmund, Andrew Dalhouse and Steve Wands begins to reveal the origin of one of the most feared and dangerous people in the DC Universe.

Let’s take a deeper dive into this debut chapter.


Ridley constructs a beginning based on loss and revenge. The parallels to Bruce Wayne’s beginnings make an instant connection to the readers. Both are driven by great loss. However, That is where the comparison ends. Waller deals with a system failing her when she needed it the most. Seeing how masked vigilantes receive preferred treatment lights a strong emotional reaction. This fuels her rage and begins her new path of vengeance.

Waller’s long game play works to perfection. It is not without challenges. The strain put on her family is tough and amplifies how committed she is to her goal. Seeing the big picture, Waller finds ways to sway favor in her direction.

The strongest point of this chapter is a conversation between Waller and Marvin Collins (who she’s volunteering on his congress campaign). In this moment, Waller reminds readers why she is so dangerous. The pieces to a larger puzzle start falling in place. Once the closing page hits, there is no doubt this is only the beginning of something more sinister.


Martinez brings the painful beginnings of Waller’s path by capturing her rage in multiple panels. There is a key reaction to a Jim Gordon statement causing her transformation from sorrow into vengeful. Batman gets a full page image justifying what Waller is envisioning. Her unfazed reaction to the speech exemplifies how hardened she’s become to anything outside of her goal.

Waller’s conversation with her daughter shows the wear of her actions. Readers see the frustration in her expressions. This becomes short-lived as Waller begins her final play. The cold demeanor plays out perfectly as she accomplishes her first goal. It is complemented by the final page. Waller’s eyes speak more than any word bubble can. One goal down, many more to go.


Amanda Waller’s path to power begins with a strong tale of conviction over grief. Ridley pens a direct and excellent first chapter with the writing. Martinez, Rapmund, Dalhouse and Wands construct the revenge guided visuals showcasing the genesis of arguably the most dangerous person on the DCU Earth. This will be one story you won’t want to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Absolute Power: Origins #1. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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