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ABSOLUTE POWER: TASK FORCE #1 by Leah Williams, Caitlin Yarsky, Alex Guimarães and Dave Sharpe (DC Comics) cover: Pete Woods

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points!

For this entry, the reign of Amanda Waller has begun. Planning for weeks, Waller has unleashed her plan of eliminating superheroes from the DCU. Powerless heroes serve no opposition to her Trinity Of Evil. This truly feels like the darkest time in the DCU.

Spinning out of the first chapter is a series highlighting Waller’s grand scheme. Readers will need to brace for the journey they’re about to partake. There is no happy ending on the horizon from what we have seen thus far.

ABSOLUTE POWER: TASK FORCE #1 by Leah Williams, Caitlin Yarsky, Alex Guimarães and Dave Sharpe brings the Marvel family into the crossfire!

Let’s take a deeper dive as to where things go now.


Williams spotlights Waller’s attack on the Marvels with a steady paced tale. Using Parasite as an unwilling tracker, her cold intentions shine through. This transfers over to The Last Son. Bearing a likeness to Superman (Is this really Jonathan Kent?), the mysterious figure brings the fight to the young heroes. This carries a more lighter feel as one who reads Shazam knows. That does change when a new entrant crashes the party.


At this stage, the mood shifts dramatically. Readers watch as the Last Son starts showing areas of a break in programming. Williams leaves this point vague to allow readers to form their own theories. It is short lived but noteworthy. Form here, the events lead to an expected conclusion. Even with the final pages, Waller’s manipulations grow further with a new face falling under her wicked constructed vision.

Yarsky and Guimarães kick off events with a solid opening chapter. Seeing the fear and pain in Parasite’s face strikes a nerve with readers. Waller’s emotionless expressions proves how far she’s willing to go to secure victory.

The Rock of Eternity portion replicate classic themes with the visuals. Seeing Billy Batson and Mary Bromfield process how they are now being hunted adds to the drama. Their “back-up” makes a huge debut with a full page image. This carries into the action sequences. Events move very swiftly leading to a sudden finale of the fight. The closing pages set up the next phase very well with a final panel mirroring what the audience is thinking.


Amanda Waller’s plan stretch across the DCU with a chapter taking a closer look at her victorious ways. Williams gives readers a deeper look at the evil rising with an excellent story. Yarsky, Guimarães and Sharpe construct a focused look at Waller’s attack with the visuals. If you’re looking for a broader picture of the evil takeover, this will be one for you.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Absolute Power: Task Force VII #1. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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