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With the Psycho Kaiju pushing the Rangers to their limits. Everyone takes a back step through the multiverse AGAIN! And it is totally worth it!
Artist: Baldemar Rivas
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Johanna Nattalie
Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Baldemar Rivas
Colorist: Andrew Dalhouse
Letterer: Johanna Nattalie
Screw you guys, I’m Telling MOM!
The Rangers from both dimensions are getting the spandex knocked out of them. Jet Jaguar used his self-preservation protocols, scoped everyone up, and got them to a safe dimension. Not just anywhere, but INFANT ISLAND! So if we are on Infant Island we get MOTHRA!!!
But did Jet Jaguar move them again through space and time on purpose? Nah, we have to blame the Elias. They used their abilities to ask the universe to bring them close to Zordon. Sadly, Zordon isn’t on Infant Island he’s back at the Command Center. The Psycho Kaiju breaks through the dimensions, and MOM, I mean Mothra, goes to work!!
Fine! I’m Telling Dad
The Rangers, and yes, all the ones accumulated to this point, head back to the command center. Specifically the Command Center of this iteration of Rangers, because MULTIVERSE. The zords and other Rangers are on the mend. Team Jet Jaguar, the Elias, and Zordon figure, “If you can’t beat em … BEAT EM AT THEIR OWN GAME! With an army of Rita and Anstronema’s minions and monsters bearing down on the command center, the group springs into action.
Sending Jet Jaguar across the Multiverse, gathering powers from other famous Kaiju to craft what i’ll deem Mighty Morphin Kaiju Rangers with matching ZORDS!!!
- Rodan for Red
- Angruis for Blue
- King Ceaser for Black
- Baragon For Yellow
- Mothra for Pink
No word on if Green Ranger Tommy or Multiverse White Ranger. Tommy.. but it’s comics so who knows!
Thoughts from the Multiverse
This was a smart issue! Taking a step back to regroup in the middle of a five-issue run won’t make the payoff in the next two issues seem rushed.
I’m all for the new Zord Designs!! As for the new, as I’m calling them, Kaiju Rangers suits are good, but they have an overly retro feeling. Much like old Super Sentai, like Battle Fever J or even the Gorengers, or for the modern-day Sentai fan Zenkaizer, it has a great design, but it leaves me wanting a little more. Maybe I’m spoiled by Dan Mora’s designs in other Ranger media. But who knows WHAT the Tommys could bring to the fight?
The Back and forth with Rita and Astronema is hilarious, and you can tell they are heavily inspired by Manzai-style comedy. The over-dramatic art is when Rita is frustrated and gives off a very Manga or SD vibe that breaks up the panels wonderfully.
Godzilla VS. MMPR gets a Morphenominal 9 out of 10 Kaiju Power Coins
Being used to the several crossovers the Rangers have done in the past. This one is by far one that has been paced out and respected both franchises’ source material with great care. The next 2 issues are by far going to be at the top of my list!
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