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Ultimate Spider-Man #6 – Enter a NEW Kingpin!


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If the cover of Ultimate Spider-Man #6 doesn’t get your heartbeat going, well my friends, I don’t know what will.

So far in the Ultimate universe, we’ve met the businessman Kingpin, but boy we haven’t met the primal, rage monster that is Wilson Fisk.

The cover of Ultimate #6 shows off Kingpin in all his glory, classic diamond-tipped cane and all.

Credit: Marvel Ent

Tarantino Style

We start off the issue with Peter in bad shape and his family wanting to know why his face is beaten and bruised.

His daughter May might have just leaked that he’s a superhero, but before we get to his family finding out his secret life, we get transported back to last night.

The Goblin and Peter aka Spidey are getting ready to break into Fisk’s home.

The duo break in and Fisk isn’t surprised or concerned at all. He handles intruders like a true boss.

Then, Peter and Harry realize it’s all a trap and Kingpin goes on the offensive.

Damn, Who is this Kingpin??

After a well-placed pumpkin bomb, we meet the real Ultimate Kingpin and he’s yolked!

He admits that he’s had some improvements and proceeds to crash right into Goblin, shattering his suit in the process.

Before he can strike a fatal blow, Peter steps in, but he’s easily taken down as well by this Incredible Kingpin.

Thank God for the Goblin glider which stuns Fisk and enables the duo to escape.

Back to the Fam!

I gotta say, MJ and the kids take the story and the news he’s this new spider-like hero REALLY well, maybe a little too well.

In fact, MJ isn’t really mad he’s been keeping this crazy secret.

She’s 30% scared and 40% impressed and the other 30%, well they leave that to the imagination.

But the closing line will give fans chills for days.

He’s still looking for a code name while fighting crime and MJ says those magical words. Remember he hasn’t been truly named yet.

“You’re Spider-Man.”

Final Thoughts – 9/10

This Ultimate universe continues to reinvent the Marvel Universe and it’s absolutely fantastic.

I genuinely wait all month for the next issue because it never disappoints.

Michael Rothman
Michael Rothman
Better known as “SuperheroTok” on TikTok, Michael is an Emmy Award winning entertainment reporter spending over a decade at ABC & Good Morning America, hosting shows like Inside Marvel! Michael brings his unique vision and passion to TikTok, where he also hosts “Shortboxed Presents,” a series focused on everything fans need to know about buying and selling comics in the grading age. He’s also a proud husband, and father to a little golden retriever.

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