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Misery #1: Cyan’s Unusual Life?


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Credit: Don Aguillo Image Comics

WRITER: Todd McFarlane

Artist Szymon Kudranski

Cover Artist Don Aguillo

Publisher: Image Comics

Cyan Jones, is just a normal woman. It seems more and more she is trying to figure out her life, thus far. Cyan wants to leave home, and gets into a very bad argument with her father.

Cyan says her father doesn’t “see her”, and she would rather live on her own. Cyan meets up with a friend, and they are taking the subway.

Some guys are in the subway, and giving the two girls a problem. The guys start to beat up both Cyan and her friend. When they go and report it, it’s revealed that Cyan is a minor.


The lady who is taking the statements said that they have to call Child Protective Services. Cyan asks to use the bathroom, and she escapes. At the end of the issue, Cyan goes and catches a ride to her grandmother’s house.

This issue seems like a setup as to what is to come. Cyan seems like a very resourceful girl, who just wants to live a normal life. There seems to be very deep history between Cyan and her father.  I am wondering what Cyan will do at her grandmother’s house.

I really enjoy the art, it looks like a unique style that literally is “popping” off the pages. I like how distinct and stylistic it is, it’s so different than any other art I have seen. There is a lot of dark shading within each characters looks.  The dialogue is also very short, but it gets to the point to what is happening in each comic panel. 

I give this a 8.5/10.


Janelle Holland
Janelle Holland
My name is Janelle, and I love comics, T.V. shows, movies. I enjoy everything from Marvel to DC. You can usually find me with a comic book in my hand and some coffee.

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