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Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4 – The Best Mutant There Is


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Creative Team – Iman Vellani & Sabir Pirzada(writers). Scott Godlewski(artist). Erick Arciniega(color artist). VC’s Joe Caramagna(letterer). Tom Muller & Jay Bown(design). Carlos Gómez & Jesus Aburtov(cover artists). Peach Momoko(variant cover artist).

Published By Marvel Entertainment

Be sure to check out the review for Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #3 here!

Creative Team – Iman Vellani & Sabir Pirzada(writers). Scott Godlewski(artist). Erick Arciniega(color artist). VC’s Joe Caramagna(letterer). Tom Muller & Jay Bown(design). Carlos Gómez & Jesus Aburtov(cover artists). Peach Momoko(variant cover artist).
Published By Marvel Entertainment

We’re only on the fourth installment of Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace and it’s already been an exciting journey of Kamala the mutant. In Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4, you can see a great combination of mutant problems juxtaposed with normal teenage emotions, along with some excellent action and storytelling!

Jumping into the fourth issue

Kamala is at the Inhumans stronghold, and in very rare form. Her powers are killing her. While she is in so much pain, she can’t even speak, the Inhumans are there to help her. Fortunately, the Inhumans have a way to help stabilize her abilities and have her back to her crime fighting self by exposing her to the Terrigen Mist.

Once exposed to the Terrigen Mist, Kamala loses consciousness and to her surprise, she sees her mother. After a beautiful moment between mother and daughter where Kamala bares her soul, Kamala comes back to consciousness. Thanks to the help of the Inhumans, she’s back to herself!

Back to work

After coming to and seeing her phone being flooded with messages, she knows it’s time to get back home. With the help of the goodest boy, Lockjaw, she heads home to find out what all she’s missed. Upon returning to Jersey City, she sees the city is under attack! By who, you ask? Herself! You read that correctly. With the help of a Dr. Nitika Gaiha, Kamala is attacking the city and leaving it in shambles. A day’s work is never done when you’re an X-Man.

Creative Team – Iman Vellani & Sabir Pirzada(writers). Scott Godlewski(artist). Erick Arciniega(color artist). VC’s Joe Caramagna(letterer). Tom Muller & Jay Bown(design). Carlos Gómez & Jesus Aburtov(cover artists). Peach Momoko(variant cover artist).
Published By Marvel Entertainment

The Art

Scott Godlewski and Erick Arciniega do a great job over modernizing an X-Men story and making it into a Kamala the X-Man story. The bright colors mixed with the very detailed drawings only adds to the exceptional story. One part that stands out for me is when Kamala sees her mother when she’s unconscious. The colors were bright and the drawings were simple but given so much detail. It truly added to the feeling of being in Kamala’s head and this feeling like a dream.

The Writing

You can truly see the passion of the character through the writing of Sabir Pirzada and Iman Vellani. When I heard that Vellani was involved in the writing of Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace, there was no doubt in my mind that this would feel like a true Ms. Marvel comic, given Iman’s love and respect of the character. Pirzada and Vellani show they have the best grasp on who Kamala is to her core and it shows in the pages of Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4.

Something I love about the Ms. Marvel comics is that although she’s a superhero, and an X-Man at that, I still find her so relatable. She deals with real world feelings while handling out of world experiences. It’s no wonder Kamala is a fan favorite. The writing is what makes Kamala a fan favorite.

Final Thoughts

I think the entire creative team of Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4 shows that they truly care about Kamala as a character, given the incredible work they’ve done so far. From the story to the art, to the cover art, it’s all been an absolute pleasure to experience. I’ll be very anxiously waiting for Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #5!

I give this a 10 out of 10

Hey, it’s Megan! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Ms. Marvel: Mutant Menace #4, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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