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Avengers: Twilight #6 Review – The World is Watching!


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Avengers: Twilight #6 – Writer – Chip Zdarsky, Artist – Daniel Acuna, Letter – VC’s Joe Caramagna, Cover – Alex Ross (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

Avengers: Twilight #6

Writer – Chip Zdarsky

Artist – Daniel Acuna

Letter – VC’s Joe Caramagna

Cover Artist – Alex Ross

Read the review of the last issue in the series here.

The Story:

It has all been leading to this… the final showdown between Captain America’s Avengers and Luke Cage’s young Defenders vs. Red Skull and his forces. It’s father against son, friend against friend and the soul of the very nation is on the line. Cap has to hold off the Skull long enough for the American people to finally see through the lies and propaganda and rise up to reclaim their country.

Avengers: Twilight #6 – Writer – Chip Zdarsky, Artist – Daniel Acuna, Letter – VC’s Joe Caramagna, Cover – Daniel Acuna (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

The Writing:

Chip Zdarsky really brings the story home in this epic finale. The story that was being crafted throughout this book was expertly paced and full of satisfying moments. This final issue was, I’m happy to say, the best bit of writing I have enjoyed from a comic book in quite some time. Heartfelt moments, BIG (See what I did there?) surprises, and a wonderfully touching ending make this a true masterpiece and master class in writing. One moment I have to highlight is the wrap up to Iron Man’s part in this story. As a long-time Iron Man fan, his final page brought a tear to my eye and a smile to my face. Chip Zdarsky has proved one thing to me over and over again with this series, he understands The Avengers. He understands their motivations and who they are as characters and he wrote them with such incredible love and care.

Avengers: Twilight #6 – Writer – Chip Zdarsky, Artist – Daniel Acuna, Letter – VC’s Joe Caramagna, Cover – Leinil Francis Yu (Credit Marvel Entertainment)

The Art:

What is left to say about Daniel Acuna’s art that I haven’t been saying for the past five issues? Incredible use of colors, shadow, and movement make this entire series stand out from the rest of the pack. The character designs and costumes have been great throughout. The use of shadow was the most impressive bit of art on display. So much emotion and pain is conveyed on the character’s faces by the clever use of shadows. The action and set piece were a feast as well. Seeing the scope of Thor and a Hulk unleashed battling across the United States was wonderful! The slight shift in color pallet, signaling the change in the country was a nice touch as well. This dark and depressing look at a near future America was wrapped up in a beautiful and hopeful ending that allowed the reader to breath a sigh of relief that better days are ahead for our favorite characters.

The Verdict: 10/10

Perfection, pure and simple. This book has been excellent since issue #1 and it ended so strong that I wish I could stay in this world longer. At various moments in this issue I cheered, I cried, and I found myself hopeful that, if this fictional world can change for the better, maybe our real one can as well. I’ve said from the beginning that this series felt important. I can safely say now that it truly is, this is a cautionary tale that leaves the reader with a sense of hope for the future. Heroes are important, hope is vital, and comic books continue to exist as an avenue for us to see both.

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Derek Hoskins
Derek Hoskins
Derek is the Co-Founder of Paperweight Entertainment, along with Ian Torrance and Colonel Bob Tingle. He is the co-host of the Paperweight Entertainment Podcast, a life-long fan of Star Wars, Iron Man, Marvel, DC, and all comic related media. He is a firm believer that, in the words of Qui-Gon Jinn, “Your focus determines your reality.”

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