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Tag: Hulk

Renner, a thriller featuring Frankie Muniz as a computer genius, explores the complexities of artificial intelligence and human emotion through a gripping narrative.
With Bluey and the cuteness overload, one would think that's it's not possible to get 'Bluey' fatigue - but alas, it's possible (or maybe it's just me). I think it's more that the clips are so...

What If…? Galactus Transformed Hulk – Hulk Smash the Universe

Galactus needs a Herald, but not anyone will do. What if that Herald was a mean green Hulk? Well, we don’t have to guess...

The Incredible Hulk #20 The Weird World of Werewolves

The Incredible Hulk put a pin in the Mother of Horrors arc in issue 19 and now we move on to a new horrific...


Is anywhere safe? That is the question Jack Russell is asking. After two friends are violently murdered, Russell thinks he’s responsible. This is all...

The Incredible Hulk #19 A New Power is Revealed

The Incredible Hulk and Bruce Banner are down for the count. The Eldest has asserted dominance and now the Mother of Horrors is soon...

Hulk Annual #1 – Hulk and Thanos, Say No More

Hulk Annual #1 - Creative Team: Writer: Derek Landy Artist: Geoff Shaw Letters: VC’S Cory Petit Color Artist: Frank Martin Cover Artists: Salvador Larroca and Guru eFX PUBLISHER: MARVEL COMICS The Hulk and...

The Incredible Hulk #14 Fear and Loathing in The Hulkscape!

Bruce Banner finds himself trapped in the Hulkscape, a horrific and violent place where his consciousness is imprisoned while The Incredible Hulk is in...

Avengers: Twilight #6 Review – The World is Watching!

Avengers: Twilight #6 Writer - Chip Zdarsky Artist - Daniel Acuna Letter - VC's Joe Caramagna Cover Artist - Alex Ross Read the review of the last issue in...

Avengers: Twilight #5 Review – The Truth is Rain!

Avengers: Twilight #5 Creative Team: Writer - Chip Zdarsky Artist - Daniel Acuna Letterer - Joe Caramagna Cover Artists - Alex Ross and Danial Acuna Read the review for the...


Giant Size Hulk #1: Creative Team: Phillip Kennedy Johnson (Writer) Andrea Broccardo (Artist) KJ Diaz (Colors) VC's Cory Petit (Letters) Cover by Bryan...

The Incredible Hulk #11: The Angel of Lost Souls

The Incredible Hulk searches for Charlie in the lair of "Frozen Charlotte" or Nephele, Queen to Lucifer Morningstar. What secrets does she keep deep...

The Gamma Killer – Iron Man’s Radiation Absorbing Armor!

Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor! New armors, new multiversal Tony Starks, same great content! We’re still digging into Iron Man’s bag of tricks, each week you’re going to...

Prometheum Armor – Iron Man Goes Full 90’s!

Welcome to Paperweight Entertainment’s Hall of Armor: Reforged! New intro, new armors, new multiversal Tony Starks, same great content! We’re still digging into Iron Man’s bag...

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