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Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, it’s a family affair in Gotham City. The war of the Cobblepots is heating up as the series heads towards its’ finale. Who will be left standing as the head of the Gotham Underworld? The heirs apparent or the king refusing to concede the crown?

The Penguin #10 by Tom King, Rafael De Latorre, Marcelo Maiolo and Clayton Cowles (DC Comics) sees the key players staged for a dangerous game.

Lets not wait any longer and dive into the latest chapter?


The chapter opens with a rooftop meeting. On one side is Gotham City’s feared protector, Batman. Standing across from him is the Penguin himself. The narration walks readers through Batman’s assessment of the current situation. Who would have thought so much centered around asking for a match to light a cigarette.

Meanwhile, Addie and Aiden Cobblepot are dealing with an Intergang representative from Metropolis. Shipments haven’t been making their deliveries. This proves to be a problem for the family business. Readers see who is responsible for the derailment of product: Batman.

All the while, Penguin is watching events unfold. How does Oswald see things going from here. Readers watch as tensions become even higher as the attack on Cobblepot’s children intensifies. This builds towards a moment that cements who is the heir to the throne of Gotham. It defines what many have suspected for quite some time. Events spirals into a desperate play by one figure. A parting image raises more questions as the battle of legacy rages onward.


King dives into the unique perspectives of the characters at play. Allowing their narrations to dominate most pages helps with this chapter. Giving that insight to the reader only amplifies what’s unfolding even more. This plays heavily into arguably the breakout character of this issue: Addie Cobblepot.

King’s writing depicts her as ruthless as her father. Through the course of the issue, she slowly starts breaking from the pressure of her father’s plans. This leads to a confrontation where it becomes clear she’s already lost her claim to the throne.

Oswald’s quiet scheming takes a grander role as events unfold. King slows down the pace to build up the eventual move. Once Penguin strikes, the moment hits readers with full force. The cutting dialogue given leaves a chilling reality in its wake. Oswald Cobblepot is back with a vengeance.

De Latorre and Maiolo blend in themes of defiance and mystery throughout the issue. The rooftop scene is capped off with a well paced full page of Batman and Penguin talking The frustration and rage on Addie’s face tells a bigger story as her grasp if the city slips. Her conversations with Oswald and Aiden conveys that point with ease. Knowing what is looming, readers bear witness to her slow breakdown.

However, the pages that will be most talked about are Oswald’s “message” to Aiden. The two page splash makes a very loud statement. It holds nothing back as Oswald makes a bold announcement with his actions. The imagery around this section holds nothing back. There’s no question about what unfolds. A play is made that the city may not be ready for. This spells nothing but win for the audience watching Gotham pushed to its edge.


With multiple narration leading the way, Oswald Cobblepot’s family feud approaches its climatic end. King’s creative approach sells the dark times ahead with strong writing. De Latorre and Maiolo pace out the drama with exceptional images. Gotham had better brace for what’s coming next!

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Penguin #10. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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