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FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X #5 by Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck, Stefano Caselli, Bryan Valenza, and Travis Lanham (Marvel Entertainment)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the end of Krakoan Era is here. A final showdown has arrived. The Children of the Atom against the sinister Orchis! In their darkest hour, the X-Men look to stand their ground. Will it be enough? The fate of Mutantkind is the prize. Who takes home the win?

FALL OF THE HOUSE OF X #5 by Gerry Duggan, Lucas Werneck, Stefano Caselli, Bryan Valenza, and Travis Lanham presents a heavyweight bout for the ages!

Let’s not wait another second and jump into the action!


Nimrod and Orchis are on the brink of victory. With Sentinel City poised to strike, there is little hope for mutantkind to survive. Times are so dire that Charles Xavier tries cutting a deal to work for Orchis to save the surviving mutants. Scott Summers and company don’t buy into this arrangement. The X-Men are prepared to fight to the end to stop Nimrod, even if it means they don’t survive the outcome.

They have bought some time as the S.W.O.R.D. space station was teleported into Sentinel City. It dealt a blow but wasn’t enough. Cyclops and Nightcrawler assess the situation. Unfortunately, Colossus is knocked into space. This leaves Cyclops alone to face off with a waiting Nimrod!


Meanwhile, Rogue and Kwannon make a play to stop Omega Sentinel. Their attack neutralizes the threat also known as Karima. Its resolution leaves one obstacle handled but victory is far from reachable.

Readers watch as Nimrod unleashes a full attack on the X-Men. For being a perfect sentinel, there is one variable it didn’t comprehend. In their darkest hour, a force enters the battle. It is a showdown that will have fans on their feet.

The outcome is pure box office excitement! It is one fans are sure to be pleased with. The following scenario sets forth a new path. As big of a battle this was, there might be a larger one at hand. The final image calls forth a return that may be the deciding factor of mutantkind’s fate! With two parts left, anything is possible from here!

Duggan delivers on an action packed conclusion to this series. From the initial onset, the stakes felt astronomical. Cyclops leading the charge was a perfect choice for the final battle with Nimrod. Even through the course of the battle, the writing reflected the will to survive in Scott Summers. The defiant confidence shined. These also carried through with the rest of the X-Men. It captured the themes of what makes this group so special.


One member steals the show in this chapter. After making a grand entrance, the conflict changes gears. It is a game changing moment that the others feed off of looking for strength. This builds towards a dramatic end of battle. The fallout shifts gears back to Cyclops. Knowing his legacy with the group, it is only fitting that he is the one standing in the end pushing to end this era once and for all.

Werneck and Caselli give fans much to rave about in the finale. The showdown with Omega Sentinel conveys big emotion in Rogue and Kwannon. The broken state of Karima sets the pace for what lies ahead with Nimrod. The anger of Cyclops plays off the arrogance of Nimrod very well.

Fans get a full page entrance for the game-changer in this conflict. The reactions from the other mutants resonates with fans. The images mirror the growing feeling of hope as their battle rages onward. Each panel speaks volumes of the impact of the battle. This leads into a strong ending panel of the victor. The art team ties up events with a full page montage that cements the key factor in bringing this all to an end.


Epic is the only proper way to describe the final showdown of Nimrod and the Children of the Atom. Duggan excels the pace to craft frantic excitement in the battle fans have been waiting for. The art team gift readers with big action and larger emotional impacts as the Krokoan Era winds down.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Fall Of The House of X #5. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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