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BATMAN AND ROBIN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Simone Di Meo, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro and Steve Wands (DC COMICS)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points!

For this entry, the life and times of the Wayne family these days can be easily described as “complicated.” Man-Bat is running around wrecking havoc. A mysterious figure has emerged known as Shush. Flatline has crashed back into Damian’s life. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Nikola Čižmešija, Simone Di Meo, Rex Lokus, Giovanna Niro and Steve Wands dives further into mystery as the search for clues becomes even greater.

Let’s not delay and jump into the latest chapter.


The chapter begins with Batman being held prisoner in a uniquely familiar set-up. It’s a Bat cave, but not his cave. Dr. Kirk Langstrom is the landlord here. Man-Bat is taking his victory lap as Batman assesses the changes since Langstrom’s heroic times.

Meanwhile, Damian and Flatline have entered into a dangerous location: High School. Damian fully believes that Principal Stone is his old trainer from the League of Assassins. Options are limited to get Stone away from the other students. Drastic times call for drastic measures. A fight ensues but not one readers might immediately think.

This leads to a showdown building for a few issues now. Is Principal Stone Mistress Harsh? Shish? Or someone else? The answer starts a domino effect that draws out another big reveal. Readers will have much to break down as things come into focus.


Its’ fallout sends the young hero on a new path. The closing pages builds the danger as Damian closes in on his fathers whereabouts. Once arriving, it is clear to see he has more than he bargained for. The final image speaks volumes as readers brace for what’s coming next.

Williamson gifts a healthy portion of this issue to Damian’s story. The high school times have been a refreshing break from the other Bat books. Seeing Damian actually be a kid instead of Robin will win over readers. The showdowns unfolding clear up some lingering plot points. The pacing keeps events moving without lingering too long for the fallout. Once the final act being, writing hits its’ main points while bowing out on a sold end note for now.

Art duties are spilt with a returning Di Meo and Niro heading up the Batman areas. The introduction to the Bat-Cave 2.0 is presented with an excellent two-page splash. Man-Bat’s gloating comes off as both menacing and leveling up from where he’s been. This is complemented later in the book with another strong two-page spread.

Čižmešija and Lokus tackle the high school. Spotlighting Damian being young and foolish works to kick his story into high gear. The Shush segments get a two page splash that will answer a few points for fans. The art brings out the best of Damian’s reactions to news as he heads into the action. The spilt art teams brought much for fans to be amped up for heading into the promising next chapter.


With Man-Bat nearing completion of his plans, Damian Wayne’s luck appears to be turning with this latest chapter. Williamson gifts fans payoffs for certain plot points with the writing. The art teams split duties to give Batman and Robin their own distinct look before closing with a stand-of final page. This isn’t your average Bat book and that’s a big win for fans.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman and Robin #9. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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