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Deadpool #2- Merc With A Mouth, Professional Mercenary


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Creative Team- Cody Ziglar(writer). Rogê Antônio(artist). Guru- eFX(colors). Joe Sabino(letterer). Taurin Clarke(cover artist). Mark Brooks, Rob Liefeld, Declan Shalvey(variant cover artists)

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Be sure to check out my review of Deadpool #1 HERE! Hope you enjoy!

Creative Team- Cody Ziglar(writer). Rogê Antônio(artist). Guru- eFX(colors). Joe Sabino(letterer). Taurin Clarke(cover artist). Mark Brooks, Rob Liefeld, Declan Shalvey(variant cover artists)
Published by Marvel Entertainment

Wade Wilson, At Your Service

Wade Wilson, merc with a mouth, regenerating degenerate, small business owner? You read that correctly! It seems our favorite wildcard has decided to start his own mercenary business. I have to say, I did not have that in my 2024 bingo card but I’m here for it.

Starting up a business is hard work and Deadpool knows it, so he enlists the help of Taskmaster to run the business. That’s another thing I didn’t have on my bingo card. The entertainment factor alone in seeing these two troublemakers run a business together makes me wish this was a television series. Their dialogue back and forth to each other is the perfect amount of snarkiness and seriousness that shows you how deep their ‘frenemiship’ goes.

Creative Team- Cody Ziglar(writer). Rogê Antônio(artist). Guru- eFX(colors). Joe Sabino(letterer). Taurin Clarke(cover artist). Mark Brooks, Rob Liefeld, Declan Shalvey(variant cover artists)
Published by Marvel Entertainment

Beyond the business

Deadpool is clearly throwing himself into his new business to avoid thinking about other issues in his life that he just isn’t handling very well. One issue to note is his relationship with his daughter, Ellie. I really enjoyed seeing more of Ellie in Deadpool #2 and seeing where her mindset’s at in regards to her dad. It’s crystal clear that she’s just as headstrong as Wade Wilson(Deadpool) is. Ellie is determined to find Wade and she goes to pretty creative lengths to do just that.

All in all

I found this second install of Deadpool to be another homerun. It was funny with nodes of seriousness that are so true to the character of Deadpool. I feel Cody Ziglar has such a firm grasp on the characters and delivers their stories in such a way that has you feeling like you’re reading about the adventures of an old friend. He nails every aspect you’d want to see in a Deadpool comic book, whether it be the humor, the laughing off of the seriousness, the chaos, or the emotions.

Creative Team- Cody Ziglar(writer). Rogê Antônio(artist). Guru- eFX(colors). Joe Sabino(letterer). Taurin Clarke(cover artist). Mark Brooks, Rob Liefeld, Declan Shalvey(variant cover artists)
Published by Marvel Entertainment

Another thing to appreciate about Deadpool #2 is the incredible artwork. I love how the artists contrast Deadpool’s blood red suit. The splash of red amongst the darker backgrounds gives a good representation on how Deadpool sticks out in the world and does his thing no matter who can see. Another thing I’ll never get tired of is how cool Princess looks in every panel she’s in. I could read Princess and Deadpool’s banter and see them fighting their foes all day long.

I Give This A 10 Out Of 10

Thanks for checking out my review! Like what you read? Let me know! Or tell me what other comics you’re into by hitting me up on my socials! Or check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes! All links can be found HERE!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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