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Batman/Superman Worlds Finest #26 by Mark Waid, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Steve Wands. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Dan Mora.)

Creative Team: Mark Waid (Writer,) Dan Mora (Artist,) Tamra Bonvillain (Colors,) and Steve Wands (Letters.) Cover by Dan Mora.)

Batman/Superman Worlds Finest #26:

Bat-Mite and MXYZPTLK are attacked and have come to Batman and Superman for help! Villainous Imps who worship dastardly Super-Villains are behind the attack, and our heroes are stretched thin while the Imps team up with Earth’s villains to cause mayhem. With chaos reigning supreme, our heroes jump into action in this wacky yet magical adventure. Oh and by the way… READ THE ANNUAL!

The Art:

Mora and Bonvillain put on their own magical display in this issue, as there is so much visually pleasing. The way Bat-Mite and all of the otherworldly “Creatures” are drawn and colored makes them look like toy versions of our heroes, making it a fun and explosive issue. We even get to see Superman in a glorious looking Bat-suit!

The team adds a lot of action without overcrowding the pages, which helps keep the reader from feeling overwhelmed despite the hectic action that is taking place. There are panels where vision is blurred and powers are on display, which amazes me with the amount of talent on display. This issue is absolutely gorgeous through and through.

Batman/Superman Worlds Finest #26 by Mark Waid, Dan Mora, Tamra Bonvillain, and Steve Wands. (Credit DC Comics. Cover by Dan Mora.)

The Writing:

From the jump, this issue is very tongue in cheek, with Mark telling you how exhausted he is and to read the annual, which makes it fun off the jump. The way the characters all play off of each other, with Batman imposing his stoic stature on these creatures of magic and Superman even admitting he wishes Batman were present to help all add to the layers within these characters. It is not just a smash and fight story, Mark adds in a lot of emotional depth and stakes leaving us on an epic cliffhanger.

Steve, on the letters, does a tremendous job adding to the fun with how his letters stretch around characters and panels. He captures the tone of what is being said and helps us imagine how certain creatures would sound all through his work.


I love it when we see C-tier characters shine; in these, we get some like Bat-Mite and Kadabra make appearances. This is a fun comic that I think folks should pick up because the art is insanely wonderful with the various methods, the writing delivers various depths of emotions, and all in all it’s a lighthearted story with real stakes.

9/10 Cigars.

For more reviews from Matt’s, head to, where you can find all of his reviews, as well as his podcast, where he and Lauren discuss everything comic books, movies, and TV!

Matthew Roth
Matthew Roth
Hey friends! My name is Matt I am a nomadic beer and pumpkin spice enthusiast perpetually living in the fall. I cohost a podcast called Hopsgeeknews alongside Lauren where we talk comicbooks, movies, and tv shows while featuring a beer of the week! We have a passion for all of those things so check us out and enjoy my weekly comic reviews!

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