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THE DEAD LUCKY #12 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) – Credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points! It’s the comic book review blog for the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we have arrived at the conclusion of a Massive-verse Pillar’s second arc. Since returning to her hometown of San Francisco, Bibiana Lopez-Yang has been challenged by Morrow.

The tech company and its boss Jimmi Moss has plans of changing the city. Being a reluctant hero, Bibi has been thrusted into the role of protector.

The battle for San Francisco has not been easy or without loss. Bibi’s former boyfriend and longtime ally Eddie Martinez was a casualty of this conflict. Conflicting matters more has been the re-appearance of Pyre.

With everything she has gone through, Bibi continues to act by a certain motto: “I don’t need to be good. I just needs to be lucky.”

THE DEAD LUCKY #12 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) brings the battle of San Francisco to a stunning finish.

Let’s take a closer look and see how events play out.

THE DEAD LUCKY #12 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) – Credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics


Bibi and Pyre watch the chaos unfold between Morrow’s forces and Bibi’s small mech team. The conversation doesn’t go the way Bibi would like. She talks of teaming up to end things once and for all. Pyre is more intent on watching the world burn. Unwilling to just sit by, Bibi leaves the talk.

Meanwhile, Jimmi Moss has become a twisted version of a “better tomorrow”. Moss has turned himself into a type of cyborg to fend off a terminal illness. He’s taking the mayor hostage. Moss wants chaos and won’t stop till he gets it.


The stage is set as Bibi makes her way to the Mayor’s office. What chance does Bibi have of ending Moss’s streak of terror? Readers sit back and watch how the actions of both have led to this very explosive meeting.

The fallout is well paced as a battle of this proportion isn’t so cut and dry. Most importantly, the fallout effects Bibi in a strong evolution of character. The closing act is a bittersweet epilogue to the battle. Readers can expect a wide range of emotions with Bibi’s words guiding them along the way.

The final page is a perfect way to say good bye for now, but definitely NOT forever….

THE DEAD LUCKY #12 by MELISSA FLORES, FRENCH CARLOMAGNO, MATTIA IACONO AND BECCA CAREY (along with editor Michael Busuttil) – Credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics

Flores brings a fitting and intense close to the latest chapter of Bibi’s journey. For this second arc, much time has been devoted to Pyre’s return and his impact.

The opening monologue reflects the deep rooted ties of their past. It also serves as a sort of closure for the pair as this entire run has been constructed for one certain showdown….

The confrontation between Bibi and Moss gives readers a long awaited payoff. Flores’ writing shows the natural growth of Bibi in her role of hero. There is one moment which highlights this over others.

The transformation from revenge driven mindset to protector of the city is exemplified within this moment. The epilogue is a heartfelt send-off to one chapter of Bibi’s life as she welcomes a new one ahead.

It’s a superb closing point in the ever-changing world for one Bibiana Lopez-Yang.

Carlomagno, Iacono and Carey multi-task the intense drama and big action for this conclusion. The opeing pages reflect those themes. From Bibi’s reaction to the battle right to the big battle itself, the art team brings out all the stops for the art.

Another major image is when Bibi crashes the Mayor’s office. It’s a mid page panel that structures the page into a turning point. The pacing keeps events moving forward with ease. The conflict is officially over with a full page image of Bibi speaking about her dreams.

The final pages help lift the weight of the strong writing to carry the book to the finish line. The parting image is well-crafted and will leave readers on a high note for the future.


The latest chapter of Bibiana Lopez-Yang ends on a solid, bittersweet ending. Flores’ writing showcases the growth of not only a hero but the person behind the powers. Carlomagno, Iacono and Carey put together the impactful imagery that concludes events for time being, but readers will be lucky to see more down the road.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on The Dead Lucky #12. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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