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BATMAN #145 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC Comics)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are venturing back into the world of The Dark Knight. Take a brief hiatus to dive into the year of of the Joker, Batman’s latest challenge returns.

Failsafe has won. Batman is locked inside a cell with the Joker. Gotham City is now under its’ watch. How does the city respond to a new vigilante running the streets?

BATMAN #145 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles looks to provide answers to those questions and more.

Let’s take a closer look to see how things shape up.



Bruce Wayne is processing what he’s just heard. The Joker has unloaded secrets to him. Is it possible that one of Batman’s mentors also trained the Joker? The pieces are coming together as the pair discuss. Joker is in his glory seeing his greatest rival struggle.

BATMAN #145 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS – cover: Bruno Redondo)

Meanwhile, It’s been weeks without Batman in the streets. Criminals are making moves. A heist in Gotham is loudly interrupted by missiles flying into a tractor trailer.

Instantly, the mood changes. The criminals know who’s coming. They’re brutally taken out one by one. A lone survivor is picked out to rely a message.


However, it’s not Bruce Wayne. It’s Failsafe. A new era of fighting crime in Gotham has been born. How does the public react to the new “Batman”? What of Bruce Wayne? Can he escape Failsafe’s grasp?

Readers watch as Failsafe makes an impact with not only the citizens of Gotham, but the Bat-Family itself. As for Bruce Wayne, his path to reclaiming the mantle is thrown into discourse. Just when he thinks he has hope, Failsafe has already made plans to thwart them.

Judging by the final moments, another surprise factor has been injected into the mix. Bruce Wayne has been challenged but his limits will be tested like never before with this latest story.

BATMAN #145 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Tomeu Morey, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS – cover: Matteo Scalera)

There is also a backup story from Zdarsky, Michele Bandini, Alex Sinclair and Clayton Cowles that gives more depth to the Joker’s connection with Dr. Captio.

Zdarsky paints a bleak future for Batman in this latest story. The back and forth with Joker drives home the point of Batman’s worst nightmare coming true.

Failsafe’s assault on Gotham comes off flawlessly and defiantly. The writing of the Bat Family only elevate the threat level.

Bruce’s frantic attempt to escape leads readers into a path unexpected. Knowing this is the culmination of a perfect Batman, the writing shows how mistaken the intentions can be.

The closing chapter leaves a unique close with a character’s involvement affecting Bruce’s situation. It’s a solid opening chapter with many miles to go.

Jimenez and Morey give Failsafe a dramatic entrance with a strong full page image. The frustration of Wayne to the situation is an easy connection with readers. His mannerisms scream doubt and defeat.

This builds towards a dramatic apprehension of a classic rogue. The half page panel sets up the impact of Failsafe of Gotham residents clearly. The final page leaves readers with a parting shot to discuss before searching for more answers next issue. It’s a high level of visuals as always with this art team.


Failsafe stakes its’ claim as Gotham City’s protector with a strong outing. Zdarsky constructs this new era with excellent writing. Jimenez, Morey and Cowles’ engaging art gifts readers with a visual impression that hits its’ marks. The new stat quo of Batman has arrived, whether the DCU is ready or not.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #145. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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