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Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the world of Batman has been flipped upside down. After the fallout of “Knight Terrors”, Zur-En-Arrh has become the dominant personality of Bruce Wayne. This has resulted in much turmoil. Along for the chaos is the clown prince of Crime: Joker!

When we last saw the “fight forever” adversaries, readers found the pair in a very uncomfortable situation. They’re both locked in a cell by Failsafe. How did Joker become involved in all of this Bat Drama?

BATMAN #142 by Chip Zdarsky, Andrea Sorrentino, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Dave Stewart, Alejandro Sánchez, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS) looks to provide some answers as it doves into the origin of the Joker?!

Time to dive into this story!



The story beings with the Joker on an operating table. The one overseeing the autopsy: Batman. the narration walks readers through Batman’s thoughts. The talk is frank as he tries figuring out the trick to his “immortality”. A pill made of the same substance of the original Red Hood Helmet is the key. Bats claims the Red Hood made the Three Jokers. The questions begin to build on what else lies behind the laughter.

The story shifts to Joker’s perspective falling into the pit of A.C.E. chemicals on that fateful night. The fallout creates the iconic shot fans know from the Killing Joke. However, in this instance, there are Three Jokers.

The trio begins to start attacking each other. A voice is leading thoughts of trying to remain sane while the unimaginative reality is paying out.

Once the fighting ends, there is one Joker laughing.

From here, the chapter begins a true decent into madness. The early days of post chemical spill walk readers into a man loosing their grip on reality.


The beginnings of Joker’s re-emergence shows readers a slow build into reclaiming his place on Gotham’s landscape. The ending at this brings up a shocking twist o this portion of the book.

Meanwhile, another story builds around Batman and Joker in a future Arkham setting. What transpires there screams true terror as a final image sets forth a fate that appears worse than death. This is the Joker’s world and we all are about to live it….

Zdarsky breaks up the origin into two strong segments. The first dives into the world of Zero Year. Seeing the slow fall into his fragile psyche, Joker gives an almost sympathetic aura as he tries figuring out his next moves. Once he settles into his routine, the story leads into a familiar realm. The unpredictable nature shines through as Joker tries finding his footing in a brand new world. It’s a very interesting ending for this portion.

BATMAN #142 by Chip Zdarsky, Andrea Sorrentino, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Stefano Nesi, Dave Stewart, Alejandro Sánchez, and Clayton Cowles (DC COMICS – Cover: Gleb Melnikov)

The future story ties nicely into the origin as Joker’s future is bleak The writing here reflects a broken Batman who’s still struggling to find answers.

The story heads into a hellish reality. This will eventually tie back into the initial conversation of cellmates. Until then, sit back and enjoy the ride.


Art duties are split between two teams for this story. Camuncoli captains the early years half of the origin, while Sorrentino leads the future.

In the initial days, Camuncoli gives readers a lid homage to the classic Killing Joke laughing image. This leads into a full page emergence of the one true Joker.

The following panels reflect Joker’s constant battle within, trying to hang on to any source of normalcy. The art continues this pacing very steadily. Fans are also gifted a full page shot of Batman in the night sky. They can see why Joker was enamored with fear during this sight.


Journey into a haunting past and future with Batman’s biggest foe pulling the strings. Zdarsky pens an absolutely engaging tale, blending tension and terror. The art teams shine showing the many faces of evil with its’ vivid imagery. This will be one Batman story fans won’t want to miss.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman #142. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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