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ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: David Talaski)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH podcast!

For this entry, the ghosts of the original Green Lantern drives a personal attack right through his heart in one of the best series currently out.

Based around doomed love and discovery of inner strength, the DC Comics mini-series continues to impress each time out. Now heading into the final stretch, fans wait to see how the title character deals with his latest blow.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni brings the antagonist of Alan’s problems into the spotlight. let’s take a closer look and see what unfolds now.



The chapter opens with a flashback towards the apparent death of Vladimir Sokov aka John Ladd. Ladd was Scott’s lover during their time on Project: Crimson. The narration follows as the red energy that pulled him underwater. This leads to the danger now standing as the Red Lantern.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Nick Robles)

The saga shifts to Bobruisk, Russia in 1923. A young Ladd is leaving his home. His father is yelling in the distance. The narration reflects feelings of resentment and determination.

The determination is what drives Ladd to join the Russian army. After a general chooses him for spy training, his first assignment centers around a weapon.

This is no ordinary weapon. Readers find out its the myth of the “Crimson Flame Of Death”. With this in the possession of the U.S. Military, Ladd is assigned to infiltrate and steal the weapon. The unknowing accomplice to this goal: Alan Scott.


The story spirals through the lies weaved by Ladd. Using the affections of Scott as a decoy, readers see what levels Ladd went to for this mission. Its’ fallout is even more intense with the emotional wounds re-opened for Scott.

Get ready for a personal and highly combustible sequence to unfold as the Lanterns have laid out all their cards on the table. Or have they? The closing image proves all is fair in love and war with a shocking conclusion. Brace for impact with this one!

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #4 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Jordi Terragona, Raul Fernandez, John Livesay, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Skylar Patridge)

The peaks and lows that Sheridan puts the title character through with Ladd’s origin hits strong with readers.

The complexity of his character actions leads Ladd into a deception that comes close to breaking Scott completely. This pours into a reaction that jumps right of the page.

Following this moment is where readers see Scott start rebounding from Ladd’s tormenting barrage. There are quiet moments that reflect the love once shared between Scott and Ladd before leading back into the heroic play of Scott.

Sheridan has kept tis story grounded around emotion and that is a theme the resonates with each panel, right to the last shot. Another great read.

Tormey and the art team guide readers through a focused look at the birth of a spy. The flsback panls break each important moment down for an easy connect with readers.

The focus sways from Ladd’s mission to the blind deception played out under Scott’s caring soul.

This builds towards a full page shot of Scott’s rage boiling over. The flowing images dive the action into an intimate moment where Scott appears to get the upper hand. All this leads to a strong final full page panel indicating to where Scott’s heart lies now after the truth is revealed.


The heart-break and heroics burn bright with another fantastic issue. Sheridan gives readers a closer look into devious intentions with sharp writing. Tormey and the rest of the creative team deliver the soul-crushing repercussions into vivid imagery. Brace for the final moments and don’t dare miss this series.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #4. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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