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SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics – cover: Jamal Campbell)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, the past is the present with a DC Icon. Recovering form his injuries sustained against Sam Stryker aka The Chained, SUPERMAN Wastes no time heading into action. However, during an encounter with Marilynn Moonlight and Mr. Graft, the Man of Steel is sent into the past. Readers see the Man of Steel trying to deal truth, justice and a better tomorrow in the old wild west

SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher dives right into the time-splitting tale. Let’s take a closer look and see how things shape up.

read last issue’s review


The issue begins with with a frantic chase to find out what happened to Superman. In Supercorp, Lois Lane, mercy Graves and Lena Luthor are trying to sort things out. Lex Luthor can hear them and gives his thoughts. Suddenly, an alarm goes off. With danger knocking at the door of the building, Superman might not save the day in this timeline….

SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics – cover: Bruno Redondo)

Meanwhile in the past, Supes and Marilynn ride their horses across the open plains. Their destination is a shocking one. Readers see the pair arrive on the scene of a slaughter. Travelers are lying dead. Their wagons destroyed. A crime has been committed. This might sound like a standard old West story, but its anything but. The weapons used were lasers.

The culprit is an old Superman foe who’s more than willing to stake his claim as the fastest draw in the West. With how weakened Superman is from his previous fight, there might be a different outcome for this rogue.

Readers see that the Man of Tomorrow is ready to fight for justice in the past. Luckily he has some help with Marilynn. The question becomes: will it be enough? The answer gives more clarity to how timeless the character is. Moonlight does get ample time to connect with readers on her story before the final act shifts gears. Time does run out on the closing pages as a new danger has emerged that poses another question offsetting the current stat quo of the Last Son of Krypton.

Even displaced through time, Williamson keeps Superman grounded in the ideals he exemplifies. The investigation into the robbery is halted by a selfless act. This only makes the inevitable confrontation even more impactful. The traditional superhero themes beam across Clark’s actions.

SUPERMAN #10 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Caio Filipe, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics – cover: Lee Bermejo)

Once the spotlight shifts to Moonlight, it gives the readers a deeper connection to the character as her story has only just begun. The closing act throws a big curveball to where things are heading. This is something this series does frequently and it’s always a win for the readers.

The art leaves a lasting impression on readers throughout this journey. There is a gorgeous two page image of Superman and Monnlight riding through the plains. It lets the moment sink in with readers about how this isn’t just another Superman tale.

The confrontation with the main villain is also a gift to fans with another two page spread conveying the emotions of the challenge. The detailed time on Moonlight connects her story with the audience, leaving more for the next encounter. After an iconic vision of Superman doing what he does best, the closing moments ramp up towards a final image that leaves readers wondering where we go from here.


The Man of Tomorrow searches for truth and justice in the past with a conclusion that simply hits the bullseye. Fantastic writing with amazing visuals bring out the best of DC’s franchise hero as this current series scores another huge win.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #10. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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