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ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: David Talaski)

Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review log to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are diving back into on of DC Comics’ finest stories at the LCS! Emerging from the pages of the Justice Society of America, the original Green Lantern has been taking readers on a journey of love, loss and courage. With a mysterious attacker making things personal, the Emerald Crusader looks to stop his adversary before it’ too late.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni sees Scott get some help in his quest for justice! Let’s take a closer look and see what’s unfolding now.



The latest chapter begins with Charles “Derby” Dickles taking a passenger around in his taxi. The conversation is very one-sided as Dickles’ guest isn’t one for small talk. On route, Dickles sees Scott walking. The passenger says to keep driving. Dickles obliges.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Amy Reeder)

Meanwhile, Scott is meeting with Mikey, who might have some information on his situation and the dead bodies Scott is being framed for. Mikey is very nervous due to the Police amping up their “protection”. He mentions to Scott that Tommy, an old flame is dead along with more men missing. The theory is Tommy drowned.

Knowing society and the police classifies someone like Tommy as a “Criminal Deviant”, Scott wants to personally further investigate. Before Mikey can answer, the Police start “protecting” men on the pier. Scott disappears away.


Scott appears at the city morgue to investigate Tommy’s death. He’s joined by Jay Garrick aka The Flash (fellow JSA teammate). Scott notices Tommy has the same marks as Johnny Ladd, his lover from his time in the US Army & Project: Crimson.

Readers see the frustration in Scott’s demeanor with the lack of respect to handle Tommy’s murder properly. Garrick assures him if the police don’t look into the murders, the JSA has already started. Scott and readers both find out that Jim Corrigan aka THE SPECTRE is looking into the matter!

How does the pairing of Scott and Corrigan play out. Readers see the clash in styles but it is overshadowed by the actions of the Ghostly Guardian. what does Corrigan do to shift momentum in this case? The final moments give some clarity as the big reveal is shown, kicking this story into high-gear for its’ next chapter.

ALAN SCOTT: THE GREEN LANTERN #3 by Tim Sheridan, Cian Tormey, Chris Sotomayer, Matt Herms and Lucas Gattoni (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Jerry Ordway)

Sheridan pens another phenomenal issue driven by emotion and defying society labels. Scott’s drive for justice is personal, but Sheridan uses his anger as fuel to solve the mystery. The theme has been building for the past few issues, but once the other members of the JSA get involved, this shines through. Scott has rarely let his guard down but they are moments that will lock readers in.


The first is at the morgue with Jay Garrick. Coming right off the heels of the Mikey encounter, Scott is mad and stand-offish. Garrick doesn’t get phased by this and makes an easy connection to the reader of how Scott is handling the situation. The stronger moments come with the Spectre.

The writing mirrors the frustration and wear Scott carries. One simple panel and Spectre’s words change everything making such a powerful scene. This speeds things into the closing act which gives readers much to ponder after the final page is witnessed. Sheridan crafts it for a parting scene to close off events for now, but not long.

Tormey, Sotomayer, Herms and Gattoni layer this issue with some incredible panels. The banter and mannerisms between Garrick and Scott meshes well to create the uneasiness and genuine conversation between the two teammates. The art welcomes in the Spectre with an excellent full page panel with Scott working together. There are multiple rooftop panels between the two but none pack as much punch as a simple hug.

The scene is one readers will feel the rush of weight off Scott’s shoulders as the dialogue gives it more gravity. This rushes events into the final act. With a full page panel to end things with a major reveal, the art sets a high bar of balancing the action and emotion of a legendary hero.


Sheridan’s powerful writing peels back more layers of Alan Scott as he faces an emotional attack on multiple fronts. Tormey, Sotomayer, Herms and Gattoni’s stellar artwork & lettering welcome in a surprise guest as the quest for justice takes a deeper toll.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Alan Scott: The Green Lantern #3. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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