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SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, and Sjan Weijers (credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics – Cover: Igor Monti)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re heading to visit comics’ most exciting universe: The Massive-Verse! In a short amount of time, the Black Market Narrative/Image Comics line has given new life to traditional superhero concepts. But with all good heroes, they need to have great villains. In the Massive-verse, there are none better than SHIFT.

The cunning and charismatic figure has made waves in the pages of both The Dead Lucky and Radiant Black. Scene-stealing at every turn, fans have been asking for more Shift. Their requests have been answers.

SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, and Sjan Weijers casts the spotlight onto the Massive-Verse rogue and the secrets behind the mask. Let’s take a closer look at the mysterious shifting character.


Editor Note: The first Four chapters of this story was first introduced in the pages of Image! anthology series earlier this year. Each chapter story has a different art team with Higgins writing all chapters.

SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, Walter Baiamonte, and Sjan Weijers (credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics – Cover: Daniele Di Nicuolo)

A man named Guy is having an argument with someone on the phone. The conversation is based on a shortage of payment. Guy casually threatens the caller before driving the point home about his payment. He walks inside a building. Little did he know how fast things would change in his favor.

As Guy walks in, he’s greeted by Gregg, Jace and Riley. With business at hand, Guy is chatting with Gregg about the tech in the room. Massive-verse readers catch wind how the weaponry ties back to <001>. With a possible job at hand, Guy gets introduced to a powerful suit codenamed Shift.

By “shifting” to Lockport, Illinois, Guy comes into direct contact with Radiant Black! With his mission in hand, Guy makes a play to fulfil his contract of syphoning radiant power to fuel some charges. Dodging danger, Guy fills the charges and “shifts” away.

Once he returns, Gregg is impressed with his skill and claims he’s taking the tech to Morrow. Guy offers a counter proposal. Honor amongst thieves is tested but the result solidifies a new player has entered the Massive-verse game.

Where things head from here shows the rise of an “entrepreneur” in the land of hired mercenaries. Chapter Three will jump out as a certain character make a cameo that was a great tie-in. It is a creative take bringing in Shift to that storyline.

Readers are also gifted a brand new chapter by Higgins and Di Nicuolo to send Guy onto his next business dealings. It’s a perfect way to conclude events for now, but leaves the door wide open for more Shift when the time (and price) is right.

SHIFT by Kyle Higgins, Daniele Di Nicuolo, Becca Carey, Chris Evenhuis, Danilo Beyruth, Francesco Manna, Geraldo Borges, Marcelo Costa, Mark Englert, and Sjan Weijers (credit: Black market narrative/Image Comics – Cover: Deegan Puchkors)

Higgins builds Guy up as an individual all about the opportunity. The rise to power is one that readers can follow along with ease and delight. Guy’s charisma wins over readers with each dirty deed. Higgins escalates his moves with the first two chapters with a “Year One” type feel.

Chapter Three shows an ingenious scheme that plays into another book in the Massiveverse. The concept is unique and locks readers in with the chase. Chapter Four features Guy at his most “human” level. The conversations with Anja Wronja peeled back a new layer into Guy’s character.

This break doesn’t last long as the Guy fans know and love returns for Chapter Five. It perfectly bookends what has been established from the start. The only thing to be unhappy about with this issue is is’ the last one…for now.

As previously mentioned, all chapters had different art teams creating them. Di Nicuolo and Baiamonte bring an energetic style to chapters 1 and 5. Their art mirrors two starting points on Guy’s personal journey into business. Manna, Beyruth and Costa mix in the action with Guy’s strictly business demeanor.

For chapter Three, Borges and Englert delve into the high stakes gamble of the assignment with excellent action panels. Evenhuis and Weijers present the more grounded approach with a laid back style setting up the calm before changing lanes into the final chapter. With the varying art, readers truly sense that they see the different sides of complex character.


The Massive-Verse’s most wanted breaks out to steal the spotlight in a one-shot that doesn’t miss its’ mark. Higgins along with an all-star line-up of artists take readers on an escapade with superb writing and phenomenal art each page. Hopefully this is the start of a bigger plan, just like Shift would scheme so make sure you grab your copy at the local comic shops this week.


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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