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SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Jamal Campbell)

Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re returning to the City of Tomorrow to find out the status of the Man Of Steel! Under the “Dawn Of DC”, the SUPERMAN line of comics have been thriving with incredible stories.

One of the biggest break-outs in the line has been Superman. The classic storytelling has given a fresh take on the dynamic of Supes and Lex Luthor.

The creative team has been crushing it right out of the gate. That said, Fans are getting a special treat for the next few issues. Joining the ride is an Eisner winning artist that has been making an impact in Bludhaven for a while now. Let’s see what visuals are crafted in Metropolis under his artistic style.

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo (NIGHTWING), Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher starts up a new arc falling out of “The Chained” storyline. Lets not delay any longer and dive into the latest issue!


Superman is left in a weakened state following his encounter with Sam Stryker aka The Chained. The current “frienemy” status with Lex Luthor becomes even more strained. Lex Luthor is dealing with the return of his mother, Letica and daughter Lena. Meanwhile, Dr. Pharm and Mr. Graft are still looming to finish their revenge of Lex and anyone who steps in their way.

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Lee Bermejo)

The issue begins with Lois Lane reading Superman fan letters. It is revealed that Superman is laying unconscious from the fallout of his latest battle. Readers see a quick trip through Lois’ memories as she recomposes to start reading letters again.

Metropolis as a whole is still reeling from The Chained’s attack. Normally, Lex Luthor would be a prime candidate to swoop in. However, Lex is still behind bars and dealing with a more direct threat: his mother. Knowing that she and his daughter are making waves isn’t good for anyone.

Moments later, a weakened Superman awakens. He wants to go after Pharm and Graft but is in no condition to do such. How does the Man of Tomorrow deal with this? Readers see a creative solution that leads into a conflict long the making. The outcome readers won’t see coming as events unfold that take this new chapter into an unlikely direction. Just wait for the closing arc and buckle in for a can’t miss story!

Williamson masters capturing the essence of Turth, Justice and a Better Tomorrow with this issue. The opening pages reflect Superman’s place being a symbol of Hope to the world. Having Lois reading the fan letters instantly connects the emotional impact of a fallen Superman. The personal connection shines through as well once readers see her relive the private memories. Ultimately when he awakens, Superman comes off as the ever vigilant hero trying to stop evil no matter the cost.

SUPERMAN #9 by Joshua Williamson, Bruno Redondo, Adriano Lucas and Ariana Maher (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Bruno Redondo)

The supporting cast has great moments to shine as well. The dynamic between Lex and his mother jumps out. Seeing Lex on the defense is a rare sight but conveys the looming threats building. The action speeds up nearing the latter half of the book. The closing act plays into a creative surprise which is sure to have readers locked in for the long haul.

Redondo jumping in for art duties makes a big splash. The moments with Lois reading the letters pours of emotion and heartbreak knowing how dire things are. Following a great full page panel, a simple 9 panel page by Redondo and Lucas puts a big exclamation point on the effect this is having on Lois.

The action sequences are bold with a thunderous entry for the Man Of Steel. The full page shot sets the tempo for the conflict. The two-page spread combines a few different looks before closing with a couple strong visuals. The closing act is constructed very well, closing with a final image that will have fans talking!


With Redondo’s amazing visuals leading the way, the latest arc of the Man Of Tomorrow soars to a new level. Williamson’s excellent writing balances out the classic storytelling with the creative team to give fans an adventurous new tale that needs to be added to your collection!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Superman #9. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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