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Welcome to an all new edition of Parlay Points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we are descending further into the fractured mind of DC Comics’ Dark Knight. Since his awakening from the events of “Knight Terrors”, Bruce Wayne hasn’t been himself. With his defense personality in control, BATMAN has become more dangerous. Now poised to face his greatest foe, can Bruce not only defeat the Clown Prince of Crime, but his own mind as well?

BATMAN #140 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Mike Hawthorne, Tomeu Morey, Ivan Plascencia and Clayton Cowles breaks the Bat even further with the next chapter of “Mind Bomb”. Let’s take a closer look at see how things are shaping up.



Zur-En-Arrh, the back-up personality of Bruce Wayne has taken over after the events of “Knight Terrors”. After causing damage with the rest of the Bat-Family, this version of Batman is flying solo.

While investigating a murder of a toy company heir, Batman knows who the clues are pointing to: JOKER!

BATMAN #140 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Mike Hawthorne, Tomeu Morey, Ivan Plascencia and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC COMICS – Cover: David Finch)

The investigation leads to a trap. Joker has attacked Batman on another personal level. Lucie Chesson, who trained Bruce on his way to becoming the Bat, is a pawn in Joker’s twisted game.

However this time around, he’s not dealing with the same ol’ Bat. He’s dealing with Zur-En-Arrh, who sends Bruce back into his own mind. Once in his own mental prison, Batman is confronted by an army of Zur-En-Arrhs.

This issue kicks off with Joker elated to deal with Zur-En-Arrh. Their game of cat and Mouse is about to start. Meanwhile Batman is addressing the other personalities. They claim to be the multi-verse versions. At this stage, readers quickly see any chance for these conflicts ending peaceful being non-existant.

Both fights begin with no remorse shown in either. “Zur-Bat” is unrelenting on the violence he is dishing out on Joker. It is one of the most brutal displays that Batman has ever unleashed on any criminal.

The same can be said for the battle inside Bruce’s mind. Overwhelmed by the odds, it appears Bruce Wayne is on borrowed time as a new Batman has outsmarted the world’ greatest detective.

Readers see how both fights pay out with two sides of the Bat fighting for control. With all the surrounding elements at play, there is no easy road to victory.

The action intensifies with each panel. This all builds to a breaking point. Once that resolution starts unraveling, the closing moments prove that “Mind Bomb” is an appropriate title for this story. Expect to be blown away by the final image!

BATMAN #140 by Chip Zdarsky, Jorge Jiménez, Mike Hawthorne, Tomeu Morey, Ivan Plascencia and Clayton Cowles (Credit: DC COMICS – Cover: Frank Cho)

Zdarsky challenges the Caped Crusader on two fronts for this issue. The first is dealing with his own creations. The personalities of Zur-En-Arrh provides a distinct threat of what Batman can become. Seeing Bruce face them head on shows his own struggle to not lose control. Readers see what happens when he does as the battle with the Joker is brutal and unapologetic.

The writing reflects the blind obsession to serve justice. As Zur-En-Arrh deomstrates, there is a fine line from heroics and villainy. The pacing moves quickly to give both plot points ample time to hit with readers.

Once the latter half of the book starts to take hold, Zdarsky throws in some amazing curves before ending on another solid cliffhanger. The uncertainty of where things are heading makes this a great Joker story. It’s also a huge win for the fans who see Batman’s greatest challenge being himself.

Jiménez and Morey bring the ferociousness of the violence out in each brutal panel of fighting. The opening salvo versus the Joker holds nothing back as Batman starts throwing punches.

With each strike, readers can feel the remorseless anger behind the fists. These images only amplify louder as their fight escalates. It leads to a show-stopping moment which will leave reader speechless.

As for the mind battle, the many “cameos” are a great nod to the many versions of Batman. The “leader” of the personalities was a perfect choice. It led to more importance on when their final fight occurred. There was never a shortage on the intensity as each panel brought out the high stakes involved with the conflict.

The mind resolution stands out for a subtle yet stand-out moment. This leads into the final moments which will leave readers with jaws dropped at the final full-page panel. Jiménez illustrated one hell of an issue within these pages.


The explosive mid-way point of “Mind Bomb” will absolutely blow readers away. Zdarsky exemplifies the power of the mind through his excellent writing. Jiménez and Morey leave nothing on the table as their superb imagery brings the violent rage of a vigilante up close and personal before throwing another dynamic in the mix on the parting image. This story is an absolute must-read.

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts’ on Batman #140. Thanks for reading Parlay Points on Nerd initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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