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Welcome to an all-new edition of Parlay points, the comic book review blog to the ODPH Podcast!

For this entry, we’re following along a brand new tale involving one of DC Comics most notable father-son duos. In the mix of the Batman/Catwoman civil war, this series debut and has been lights out each issue!

With the creators involved, it’s not hard to believe. The only questions fans have now is: where are we going after that ending for issue #2. Luckily, that answer comes in form of the latest issue.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo and Steve Wands presents the Dynamic Duo with a brand new challenge along with repairing a strained relationship. Let’s check it out, shall we?



With the events of “The Gotham War”, Wayne Manor is no longer at Bruce Wayne’s disposal. Batman sets up shop in a brownstone and continues his never-ending battle against crime. The Dark Knight’s status is heavily strained from most of his closest allies. There is one exception as Damien Wayne aka Robin is with his father.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: Kael Ngu)

After investigating a kidnapping case involving Dr. Kafira, the pair struggle to co-exist in their new stat quo. All the while, they need to stop a new threat emerging in Gotham: Shush.

As their investigation goes deeper, it now puts them in Shush’s crosshairs while they try to protect the White Rabbit, who may hold a key to breaking the case wide open.

This issue begins with a flashback to a happier time. Damien is talking to Alfred Pennyworth, the longtime butler/ally/confidant to Bruce Wayne. The discussion is over when to stop learning.

Damian’s stubbornness pushes until Batman walks in the room. Bruce gives the advice about not becoming too comfortable because that’s when one slips up.

It plays into the present moment. The Rabbit finds a way to escape her fate. The heroes try figuring out what happened until Shush intervenes. Readers get thrown a curve as Shush plans an unexpected surprise which draws the attention way for an escape….or does it?

With an escape comes a bigger chase. Fans are greeted to a high-octane trek through the streets of Gotham. Where it leads is to unexpected territory.

BATMAN AND ROBIN #3 by Joshua Williamson, Simone Di Meo and Steve Wands (Credit: DC Comics – Cover: David Finch)

Who comes out unscathed? These questions become the match lit for the final act. Once upon arrival, the final page drops another big bombshell on what is going on. Brace yourself for impact from this issue!

Williamson hits the gas petal on giving readers a solid mix of drama and action. Right from the beginning, the introduction involving Alfred hits heavy with readers.

Considering the current stat quo of the Bat Family, seeing the advice given and received gave a great start to the comic. This became the perfect “on Your Mark” sequence because from here, everything sped up to reflect the heated action.

Events unfolded rapidly enough to invest the readers into the danger. This only took a small break before hitting the closing moments. Williamson pens a Damian that falls back on his brashness that makes him a fan favorite. The conclusion of the chapter is a great closing statement on an already must-read story.

Di Meo brings some incredible action sequences to the pages in the chapter. Once the Rabbit makes her run, a great two-page spread ushers in the excitement of the chase.

The mix of character moments like Shush’s “connection” hit a big mark to break the pace up. However, fans will be blown away by the hunt for Rabbit. It legitimately feels like a Hollywood blockbuster film. Just when readers have a break, the art raises the danger up to a high mark. This is all before delivering on a final image that will have readers on the edge of their seats waiting for what’s next. Incredible work.


The creative team puts the “Dynamite” in the Dynamic duo with a action-driven chapter. Williamson crafts key character moments in-between Di Meo’s explosive action images to give readers an issue they simply won’t want to end. Check it out on New Comic Book Day!

Hit me up on ODPH social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman And Robin #3. Thanks for reading Parlay points on Nerd Initiative!


Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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