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Black Hammer The End #3 – Does Happily Ever After Exist? 


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Creative Team: 

Writer: Jeff Lemire Artist: Malachi Ward Letterer: Nate Piekos of Blambot

Cover A: Malachi Ward Cover B: Wilfredo Torres with Bill Crabtreee

Black Hammer created by Jeff Lemire & Dean Ormston

Black Hammer The End from Dark Horse Comics, Issue 3

The Comic, Black Hammer The End is a continuation of the Black Hammer comic series (and possibly the end of it). The Black Hammer first debuted in 2016. Since then it has won many awards, and had a crossover story with DC’s Justice League. However, do not let that discourage you from checking this story out. Like many of the best stories told today, they hold up on their own, and in a bigger universe. 

Issue 2 left us with a very meta ending. While this issue did not go straight to the “metaness” of the story, the action and overall story immediately grabbed my attention. As someone who has not read the other comic books in this world, I felt this issue really began to help me understand what is going on a bit better, and get lost in the story.

If you want a review of the issue #2 click here.

Black Hammer Issue 3 inside page
All Images by Dark Horse Comics

The Story for Issue #3

Right out hell’s gate, we get a city overrun by goblin demon looking creatures. Amanda is there, wondering where the hell Lucy is, and getting ready to fight this losing battle. Meanwhile, another group of misfits is trying to put aside their differences and insecurities to do the same. However, they are all clearly not on the same page. Which makes fighting an Anti-God all the more difficult. A few lines from this group, and you can tell they have had a lot of ups and downs, and spent a lot of time together. Despite the tension, there’s an almost nostalgic feel. 

As the fighting and demons continue to cover Spiral City, we continue to go back and forth to Lucy and her family. She’s trying desperately to keep the Black Hammer in her past, and protect those she loves. Nevertheless, much like the mafia, you can’t ever really quit being a superhero.You also can’t lie, and decide what’s best for those you love. Doing so may come back to bite you in the ass. 

While Lucy may have the best of intentions… we all know how that saying ends. I’m excited to see her secrets revealed, and learn more about how this Anti-God will be (if he can be) handled. This issue has more twists and cliffhangers, but in the words of River Song, “spoilers.”

Black Hammer Issue 3
All Images by Dark Horse Comics

The Art

This story spans across not just different cities, or planets, but different universes. One scene may be on a farm, while the next is in space. So while, a lot of different spots are visited in the short amount of time it takes to read a comic, it flows smoothly and never gets confusing. A big part of that is the art. Despite the location of each spot being clearly displayed, the art also shifts. Each place feels different, while still feeling like it’s all connected. 

Black Hammer The End Rating: 8.5/10

While this story is part of a much larger story that I’m not familiar with (yet), this third issue has been my favorite so far. I’m truly starting to understand this bigger universe, and the level of the threat everyone is facing, while also dealing with their own issues. Whether looking for a single story or a whole universe creating story, Black Hammer The End should be on your pull list. You can be as much or as little invested as you want, and still enjoy it all. 

Lauren is half of the podcast, Hops ‘GEEK’ News. A craft beer loving podcast, who discusses all things geek and pop culture.

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Lauren is half of the podcast: Hops GEEK News. It’s a weekly podcast that discusses all things geek pop culture, while enjoying a craft beer of the week. They also interview many different people from the comic book world and beyond.

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