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The Gimmick #6 – Pro-Wrestling, Drama and Corruption


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Copyright © 2019 AHOY Comics. All rights reserved.

The Gimmick #6 Ahoy Comics

Creative Team: Joanne Starer, Gogou and Rob Steen

Welcome to another New Comic Book Day review from the N.I. Bullpen!

This is a story about pro-wrestling, racism and corruption. It’s even complete with all the over the top drama you would expect in actual pro-wrestling

I’ll give you all some bullet points of the story up to this point, before diving into the series finale. The outcome of this series isn’t what most might expect, but it’s a solid ending to a great comic series.

Let’s take a look at this series finale, The Gimmick #6 from Ahoy Comics!


The Story So Far

  • In issue 1, our main character Shane Bryant, a rather ordinary good guy pro wrestler, reveals that he is not so ordinary after all. Secretly processing actual super strength, he puts his fist through a racist opponent’s head on national television.
  • In issue 2, Shane is on the run from the FBI after his televised killing of his opponent. The person he is on the run with, is also the daughter of the man he killed in the ring!
  • In issue 3, the mother of Shane’s child Alicia, comes out of retirement returning to the ring. The tabloids have smeared her reputation, her toddler has super strength just like his father Shane and now her reputation is suffering further due to Shanes actions.
  • Issue 4 sees Shane return to the pro-wrestling scene in disguise, while still evading the FBI and corrupt wrestling promoters alike.
  • After being unmasked in front of a live crowd, Shane reappears at a fan convention, and everyone after him are converging in the same place. What will the ending consequences be in the final issue?
Copyright © 2019 AHOY Comics. All rights reserved.

Fan Slam 5

Everyone that has been after Shane throughout the series are now in his dressing room confronting him. Alicia is arguing with him about his son and his actions, FBI agent Johnson who has been after him is there as well as a corrupt promoter and the daughter of the man he killed.

Some want Shane to go to prison and others just want the whole situation to go away. The FBI agent is having fanboy moments, since he himself is a huge pro-wrestling fan. In the chaos, Shane is escorted out of the building to a waiting car. Agent Johnson and another corrupt agent known as Damato meet outside the car, and Damato makes it clear that this whole thing “was just an accident” and that Shane needs to be back in the ring where he belongs.

He also threatens that if he is unable to keep Alicia and the victim’s daughter quiet, then he would have to do it for him. It seems that Shane isn’t going to be facing any jail time after all.

Copyright © 2019 AHOY Comics. All rights reserved.

The Solution

Later, everyone is at the bar trying to wind down, and Shane reappears yet again. Alicia immediately starts throwing bottles and chairs at him. 

Another snag in the whole situation is that Shane’s mother Bonnie wants custody of their child in order to make everything work. Due to everyone’s damaged reputations, if they want to be a family, then they have to act like a family in public and on TV. That means teaming up for a new “gimmick.”

One Month Later

A month after Fan Slam, we are at another live wrestling event. Instead of shying away from the horrible event that led to this moment, the promotion is leaning into it for a storyline. They are now presenting Shane and Alicia as all American heroes fighting against racism and intolerance. They even go so far as to replay Shane killing his opponent as part of their entrance! 

Copyright © 2019 AHOY Comics. All rights reserved.

The corrupt promoter/ former wrestler James Takeda gets arrested for tax evasion, as well as solicitation since when he is arrested he is with a prostitute at that moment.

Shane’s mother Boonie even comes out of retirement, in an on screen role for the family as Mommy Dearest. Alicia was not made aware of this part of the deal, but it was apparently part of “Shane’s deal” leading Alicia to point out that Shane has serious mommy issues.

Agent Johnson is in the audience at the event with the daughter of the man Shane killed. He goes on to say to her that he knew Shane was going to come out on top of everything in the end. When he is asked, “Why? Because he’s the “good” guy?” Johnson replies “No. Because he’s the white guy.”

Copyright © 2019 AHOY Comics. All rights reserved.

Story Review

Starer gives readers an ending to this story that covers much more than just pro-wrestling.

It’s a deep dive into corruption, racism and family dynamics all wrapped up in a pro-wrestling package. A hard hitting drama with intrigue and comedy sprinkled throughout makes for something new and refreshing on comic store shelves this week.

Artwork Overview

Gogou brings vibrant colors and just the right level of detail to every panel. Very clean line work mixed with a color pallet that never feels forced makes for a wonderful experience throughout. 

The way each character’s emotions are expressed only adds to each scene. When Johnson is having a fanboy moment, you can tell he is truly excited by the people around him as a die hard fan himself. 

The environments are clean, with not so much detail that it distracts from the scene, yet with enough detail to put you right in the scene with the characters. This keeps the reader’s focus on what’s important rather than veering off to look at every tiny detail in a background.

Copyright © 2019 AHOY Comics. All rights reserved.

Overall Score: 8 OUT OF 10 – “Must Pull”

This was a much deeper series than I was expecting going into it.  

I was anticipating a pro-wrestling story similar to what I have seen played out on television in real life. That is not what I got though. In fact this series was such a pleasant surprise that I don’t think any wrestling promoter could have come up with something this interesting if they tried.

This was a fantastic ending to a solid series. If you’re a pro-wrestling fan that is looking for a series with a bit of comedy mixed in with real drama that tackles larger issues, you’ll have a hard time finding something better than The Gimmick #6 from Ahoy Comics this week on New Comic Book Day!

As always everyone Be Safe, Be Kind, and Take It Easy!

Jeremy Bowersock
Jeremy Bowersock
Hi there, my name is Jeremy and I'm 32 years old from Ohio, and I LOVE comic books! I'm a content creator on TikTok. I also host two podcasts (Crossover Comics Podcast and The Comic Press Podcast). I'm so excited to have the opportunity to shar this amazing world of fandoms with the rest of the world. I want everyone to be able to enjoy and embrace their most nerdy self!

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