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Thor: Love and Thunder – A Discussion on Gods, Family, Sacrifice


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Some of the brightest and best at Nerd Initiative got together to talk about the latest MCU epic that just hit theaters, Thor: Love and Thunder!

Read More: ‘Thor: Love and Thunder’ REVIEW (No Spoilers)

Love and Thunder: Let's Talk Timelines, Easter Eggs and Goats

There was so much to discuss that two parts were needed!

Enjoys the videos here about family, love, gods and so much more!

Thor Love and Thunder: The Themes of Family, Gods, Sacrifice and More
Donavan Rose
Donavan Rose
Better known as “TheDonavanRose” on all social media, Donavan is a lifelong pop culture enthusiast, and avid TV & movie watcher. He’s binged over 200 shows from start to finish and is almost always watching something, even if it’s on the background! While he loves most genres, Marvel holds a special place in his heart. After growing up being bullied and unexpectedly losing his mom when he was eleven, Donavan found a lot of himself in characters like Peter Parker and Tony Stark. Ever since then he has felt like Marvel is more of a home, rather than a franchise. He takes his love of Marvel to the next level by owning an extensive Marvel collection with over 400 Funko Pops, replicas from the movies, and even a full-sized Marvel vs. Capcom arcade. He aspires to get those who are passionate about pop culture excited about the same things he is!

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