The show will be titled Silk: Spider Society and the showrunner has been named as Angela Kang, former showrunner of The Walking Dead and future director for it's Daryl spinoff series.
Journalist and content creator Karama Horne, also known as “TheBlerdGurl,” joins Sean in reviewing the latest Marvel Studios film, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.
Let’s get into a segment we like to call Character 101 with Thorstorian.
Read: Who’s That Comic Character?
One of the most knowledgable and passionate comic fans...
Dan Moyer and Jennifer Jacobellis are doing what they love.
The Crafti Comics co-founders sat down with Nerd Initiative to discuss how they started the...
The only problem is he's been kidnapped, and has…something…growing inside of him. Parental Advisory for this book because in the words of the writer, "It's gunna get gross"
MrMARVELite is known throughout the Multiverse as someone wise and all-knowing!
In this series, Tony will dig deep into his knowledge about the MCU and...