NOTE: The Captioned Life Show is a member of the Comic Watch family.
Cultural historian and professor David Hajdu joins Sean in discussing the history...
Now is time to leave a comment with your best guess. Even if you have to take a wild shot in the dark, you never know which of those shots will actually land!
128 characters in total, 16 per decade, 8 decades. The winning character of each bracket moves on to a final tournament to decide the all time greatest.
Do you like fairy tales? One classic fairy tale almost everyone knows is Jack and the Beanstalk. A boy trades the family cow for magic's a story that has been retold thousands of times. But has it ever been space?
The only problem is he's been kidnapped, and has…something…growing inside of him. Parental Advisory for this book because in the words of the writer, "It's gunna get gross"