Creative Team: Brian Buccellato, Stefano Simeone, and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou via IMAGE COMICS
Midlife or How to Hero at Fifty #5 blazes onto the scene with an explosive narrative that combines...
Creative Team: Joshua Williamson (Writing), Andrea Milana (Art), Annalisa Leoni (Colors) and Rus Wooton (Letters)
COBRA COMMANDER #2, penned by Joshua Williamson and illustrated...
James Tynion IV, writer of comic books including Something is Killing the Children, Department of Truth and Batman: Joker War, announced the start of...
Writer: Ryan K. Lindsay
Artist: Sami Kivela
Colorist: Lauren Affe
Letterer: Jim Campbell
Publisher: Mad Cave Studios
Noir stories tend to live and die with their twist and turns....
Creative Team: Ryan Parrott, Noah Gardner (Writers), John Pearson (Artist), Lola Bonato (Assistant Artist), Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (Letters)
Dive into a devilishly intriguing tale of...