Iron King pilot Anita Marr dives deeper into the story locked within Dawnrunner's programming. Anita pushes her limits to master the skills and abilities...
Creative Team: Geoff Johns and Jason Fabok (Creators,) Brad Anderson (Colorist,) and Rob Leigh (Letterer.) Cover by Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson.
Rook: Exodus...
Creative Team: Scott Snyder (Writer,) Francesco Francavila (Art and Colors,) and Andworld Designs (Letters.) Cover by Francesco Francavilla.
White Boat #1:
The ocean is a...
Creative Team: Tony Fleecs (Writer,) Dave Wachter (Artist,) and Pat Brosseau (Letters.) Cover by Dave Wachter.
Uncanny Valley #2:
The worlds of cartoons and real life...
Creative Team: Joshua Williamson (Creator, Writer), Andrei Bressan(Creator, Artist), Adriano Lucus (Colorist), Pat Brosseau (Letters)
Dark Ride #12 - Skybound Entertainment
In the chilling finale of Dark Ride, Joshua Williamson, Andrei Bressan,...