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Tag: Fire power

First Look at the Megatron Story in Transformers #19 By Daniel Warren Johnson and Ludo Lullabi! This April, the best-selling Energon Universe story begins its fourth arc! Today, Skybound and Image Comics, in partnership with Hasbro, a leader in...
A NEW ERA OF MARVEL COMICS’ MOST LETHAL SUPER TEAM BEGINS IN NEW THUNDERBOLTS* Sam Humphries and Ton Lima introduce a powerhouse, star-studded iteration of Thunderbolts in a new ongoing comic series, New Thunderbolts*! Coming this June!...

Fire Power #27 –  Love Vs Fear

Creative Team: Robert Kirkman (co-creator/writer), Chris Samnee (co-creator/artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist) and Rus Wooton (letters) Fire Power issue #27-  Skybound Entertainment It was recently announced by Skybound entertainment that Firepower would be ending its...

Fire Power #26- Training Day

Fire Power issue #26 -  Skybound Entertainment Creative Team: Robert Kirkman (co-creator/writer), Chris Samnee (co-creator/artist), Matthew Wilson (colorist) and Rus Wooton (letters) Fire Power #26 opens...

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