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Tag: comixology originals

Dudley Datson Rises To The Challenge In This Series Finale

Dudley Datson is a young inventor whose life takes a dramatic turn when he stumbles into a plot involving the Prometheans trying to acquire a powerful...

BOOK OF EVIL #3 – A Hellish Review

In the 1960’s, the majority of children experienced significant and disturbing changes when they hit their teenage years (range: 14-16 yrs old)...

GRAMMATON PUNCH swings for a knockout with its’ latest chapter

Van Nguyen is no ordinary person. Being born during a solar eclipse, Van has developed abilities. Van can see ghosts. They could see him and fed off his...

BREAKLANDS #11 – Season 3 Starts Now!

If you’re just checking this series out, the world as you know it has vastly changed. The entire population has powers…EVERYONE!

Grammaton Punch #2 – Things Get Deeper

Van Nguyen’s life is anything but normal. Being born during a solar eclipse, Van developed an uncanny ability to see ghosts. Unfortunately, Van discovered...

Barnstormers #5 – A Soaring Conclusion!

Barnstormers by Snyder, Lotay, Cunniffe and Starkings, presents a story based around a pair of unlikely lovers who risk everything for an impossible new life.

Ask For Mercy: The Circle of Time #6

The story of Mercy is a complex one to say the least. Being selected to fight monsters spawned from pure evil, isn't something that happens every day...

Grammaton Punch #1 – A Fresh Ghost Story

The issue opens up with Van Nguyen narrating his backstory. Readers witness a solar eclipse, and according to Van, isn't...

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