Creative Team – Murewa Ayodele(writer). Luciano Vecchio(artist). Alex Guimarães & Rachelle Rosenberg(color artists). VC’s Travis Lanham(letterer). Mateus Manhanini(cover artist).
Published by Marvel Entertainment
The Story
Professor Charles Xavier has escaped Graymalkin Prison and is on the run, and doesn’t know who he can truly trust to fight for him. He’s taken refuge in the Storm Sanctuary, home to Storm and someone we haven’t seen in quite some time, Maggott! Storm is very hesitant to help Charles, as she’s a registered Avenger now. That means if she’s found to be harboring a fugitive, then she could lose her licenses and diplomatic immunity taken away.
With Charles on the run, Storm is more than certain there are teams of beings who have the abilities to cause unimaginable pain will be let loose to find the escaped convict. So, Storm, Professor X, and Maggott must all prepare for battle. After a great look at Storm’s new suit, it’s time to wait for the mysterious guests who will come to take Charles back to prison.

Charles being an omega-level threat means only the brightest and strongest are able to apprehend the escapee, so it’s no surprise when the X-Men appear. The X-Men, led by Scott Summers, are here to take Charles back to Graymalkin, but Storm won’t have it. The X-Men are willing to fight, but little do they know about Storm and her new found cosmic powers.
The Writing
Murewa Ayodele did really well showing just how much Storm has changed from when she was apart of the X-Men with Storm #6. She’s now the avatar for the cosmic entity Eternity, she’s now an Avenger, and she’s playing by her own rules and beliefs. Seeing her having to fight the X-Men over Charles’ freedom was exciting, yet devastating.
Exciting because she got to showcase her true powers, devastating because it was against people she considers family. Ayodele continues to impress with Storm, making each comic even more powerful than the last.
The Art
Luciano Vecchio always brings the heat with his art, and he continues to do that with Storm #6. Some of the best panels of the run can be found in this comic, with Storm showcasing her new cosmic powers against people she considers family, which drips of power and emotion.
Along with Vecchio, you have Alex Guimarães and Rachelle Rosenberg handling the colors, and absolutely nailing it, with Travis Lanham on letters, who made each word pack a punch. All in all, the artwork of Storm #6 deserves a 10/10 itself.
Overall Grade – 9.7/10
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This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Storm #6, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!