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S.I.R #5 – Love Wins the Day


Avery laid down the gauntlet to the Roulette Council but was it the smart thing to do. Now, facing down a 3 on 1 joust, will she be able to save the reputation of the one she loves?

Credit: BOOM! Box/BOOM! Studios

S.I.R #5

Script & Art By Fell Hound

Colors By Eleonora Bruni – Letters By Becca Carey

Edited By Elizabeth Brei – Published By BOOM! Box/Boom! Studios

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

Restoring Honor

The time is upon us, as Avery prepares to become Sir Athene once again. Only this time she will be in a 3 on 1 handicapped match against the Roulette Council. Despite being warned not to do this, Avery must fight for her love, Nico. But as time draws near, the butterflies in her stomach grow.

As the competition starts, the crowd goes wild. Unfortunately, it becomes clear that the council is not going to play fair. Despite this Avery holds her own but is it enough. Just when it seems her luck has run out, she finds out she is not alone.

Winning isn’t Everything

S.I.R #5 gives us a fitting close for this arc. Fell Hound put so much heart into this issue and series. The human element and love story really takes center stage in this series. The action and motorcycle jousting takes a backseat to the emotional story but is also a great and original device.

The anime style art is top tier. Fell Hound’s art mixed with the amazing color pallet of Eleonora Bruni makes for a perfect pairing. The lettering from Becca Carey is some of the best in comics today. Evey panel is beautiful, emotional, and stunning.

Check Out My Review of S.I.R #4

Final Thoughts

S.I.R #5 appears to be the finale of this arc, however hopefully this isn’t the end of the line. This arc has been one of the most heartfelt comics out today. If you need a pick me up with a lot of heart this is the story for you.

Final Grade: 9/10

For more of my content, make sure to check out and Subscribe to Nerd Initiative YouTube for episodes of Turn a Page and Wrestling Night Live! Later! Comic! Fans!


CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN #1 by Christopher Cantwell, Sean Izaakse, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou (DC COMICS) Cover: Mike Deodato Jr.

Who challenges the unexplained? Prof Haley. June Robbins. Red Ryan. Rocky Davis. Ace Morgan. One of DC comics legendary teams return in an all new series. With the “All In” initiative running wild, it’s a perfect time for the Challengers of the Unknown to return.

Now stationed on the JLU Watchtower, their latest challenge might be their greatest. Luckily, they’ve got some big backup for this run.

CHALLENGERS OF THE UNKNOWN #1 by Christopher Cantwell, Sean Izaakse, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou starts an impossible run in search of answers.

Lets take a closer look at what happens now!


Adding the Challengers into the JLU mix makes for a solid beginning. Connecting them to the Darkseid attack is an easy win with readers. The team isn’t exactly household names. Cantwell does a great job interacting with the larger DCU before sending them onto their own path.

For this issue, the team is split off with the Trinity. This issue is heavily focused on Superman and Ace temaing up. The writing gives them a very classic feel as the heroes go in search of the time splits caused by Darkseid. Once in full swing, the story delves into the insecurities and emotions of Ace. It ultimately foreshadows more events in the works. The stage is also set for a conspiracy feel with a shocking ending. In dealing with the unknown, always expect the unexpected. That is an easy way to describe this issue.


Izaakse and Fajardo Jr. give readers a speedy recap of how the Challengers landed here. A near full page image introduces the team to new readers. While not fully in-depth, it hits its’ key points. There is an impressive two page splash for their debriefing. This leads into the pairing up for this issue.

Superman and Ace come across as old friends. The body language answers Ace’s insecurities. It also explains why he and the team are here. As events play out, the mission goes dark. Another full page image shows off the different lives of Ace. It takes readers into a more darker path before the closing act. The final page ties up a few loose ends while closing events out with a good cliffhanger to ponder.


The Challengers make their way into the “All In” movement with a steady debut. Cantwell welcomes readers in with an ever-changing threat. Izaakse and Fajardo Jr. present events with a heroic feel perfectly reflecting the classic team. It’s a great jumping on point for those unafraid of the unknown.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Challengers of The Unknown #1. Thanks for reading.


The High Republic Adventures #13


Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And this week I’m going to be reviewing the 13th issue of Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures from Daniel Jose Older & Dark Horse Comics!

We see the planet Valo is falling into the clutches of the Nihil, and Padawan Ram Jomaram is doing everything he can to combat a nefarious Warlord from taking over. Now, he’s blown up the local comms tower to prevent any reinforcements from being called. Before it’s gone, he tried to rally the locals to fight back. Will anyone listen? Or is it too late? Let’s jump into it!

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #13 – Courtesy: Dark Horse Comics (cover: Harvey Tolibao & Kevin Tolibao)

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures #13 by Daniel Jose Older (writer), Caio Filipe (Illustrator), Michael Atiyeh (Color Art), Comicraft’s Tyler Smith & Jimmy Betancourt (letterer’s), Harvey Tolibao & Kevin Tolibao (cover art) is an action-packed issue from start to finish. To go along with that there’s a VERY SURPRISING cameo that takes place in the issue.

The story soon focuses on Jedi Knight Farzala Tarabal, Jedi Padawan Ram Jomaram & pirate troublemaker Zyle Keem as they continue their ongoing battle with the Nihil on Valo. Next the focus is on The Warden, and his plans. He’s found out that communications are down and he’s going to teach them a lesson and attack the city directly.

Our heroes do get an assist from some friends of Zyle Keem in the form of more pirates! And there’s actually TWO surprises with the backup. One of the people assisting is Maz Kanata, and the other Dexter Jettster also shows up surprisingly to assist. I had no idea that he was alive during this time period.

FINAL POINT: We see the issue ends on a bit of cliffhanger, and it’s going to be interesting to see where things go from here. We do know that The High Republic will be coming to an end at some point in the near future. Thereby you would have to figure that there’s going to be a climactic battle taking place across all of the books & comics.

Is this is going to be the start of that? Or perhaps it could be the start of the prelude to the final battle. You can be sure that it’s going to be an action packed journey! And one that you won’t want to miss.

SCORE: 8.0 out of 10

Thanks for checking out my review on Nerd Initiative. For more of my content, check out, follow me on Twitter, and check out more of my reviews here on Nerd Initiative:!

Missing on the Moon #1 A New Cyberpunk Noir


Private Investigator Daniel Schwinn is on the case of a missing girl. This isn’t just any old detective mystery though. This one takes place on a lunar colony in the year 1997. The American and Soviet rivalry continues on the moon. Drugs and organized crime is seething in the underground. Something bigger is at play and Schwinn has stepping right into a big pile of bad blood. Missing on the Moon takes us deep into the cyberpunk noir world of an alternate reality on the Moon!

Courtesy of Mad Cave Studios. Cover art by Damian Couceiro.

Missing on the Moon Sets the Stage for More

In a alternate timeline, the year is 1997. America and the Soviet Union have colonized the moon. People live in a world of cyberpunk domes with an underworld of drugs, crime, and poverty. Daniel Schwinn is introduced to us bribing a “Blueskin” with a drug called Nova for information before being called off to something more important.

A Long Cold Winter from Mad Cave Studios is here!

Schwinn arrives at neon dance club to talk with his employer about a new case. A little girl from a wealthy family is missing and her ballet shoe has been found by some miners out on the open surface of the moon. It’s revealed that Schwinn has a past with family trauma, but takes the case for double his pay. Following the clues, he has a near death experience. He ends up with a robotic social worker for a partner and walks right into a trap while chasing a suspect. A vague ending leaves a big clue as something much bigger going on.

Courtesy of Mad Cave Studios. Cover art by Rye Hickman.

Characters and Worlds Established in Missing on the Moon

Written by Corey Crater, known for The Codex, the story and character development in this issue is really good. Daniel Scwinn as the main character is fleshed out well in this issue. We learn what lengths he’s willing to go to do his job. He’s hard around the edges to protect something terrible that happened to him in the past.

The world building is fantastic. The opening pages of the book gives a map of the moons colonies so that we can see the scale of this world. Specific terms like “Blueskin” and “Heavy” add depth to the world.

A Neon Cyberpunk Artistic World in Missing on the Moon

The artwork for Missing on the Moon does a great job of adding to the world building. It compliments the story so well. The cyberpunk element keeps things of kilter in a dangerous noir tale. Damien Couciero weaves a world of humans and technology together on a new lunar setting. It’s done well enough that you forget they’re on the Moon at times. It’s a wonderful mesh of bright neon colors and dark shadows that help create the neo-noir style.

Everything points to 8.5/10

What a cool set up for the story to come. Characters are established, a deep world’s foundation is built, and the story is set in motion with more to come. I absolutely love the look of everything and the story idea as a whole. I’m a sucker for noir and cyberpunk, so this book is for me. A hard boiled detective in over his head, plus a neon futuristic world, and set it in the 90’s on the Moon? That’s worthy of read.

Epitaphs From the Abyss #6 – Werewolves and Zombies Beware


The Grave Digger has brought us three more tales to satisfy our horror cravings. Be careful what you wish for, because the results could trigger a reaction.

Credit: EC Comics/Oni Press

Epitaphs From the Abyss #6

Letters By Richard Starkings & Tyler Smith

Edited By Sierra Hahn & Matt Dryer – Published By EC Comics/Oni Press

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

How Was Your Day

Written By Matthew Rosenberg – Art By Tyler Crook – Colors By Alessandro Santoro

A businessman is asked how his day is by a homeless man every day. Finally, the businessman gets rude with the homeless man. At that point the spirit of the homeless man chases the businessman onto the subway, where he seems to be trapped.

This is a great opening story. The setup does not prepare you for the supernatural element that is to come. Then the ending hits you with another twist and a message to boot. Factor in the classic style art and this story really sets the tone for the issue.

Writer’s Block

Written By Tim Seeley – Art By Charlie Adlard

A writer is having a severe case of writer’s block with no sight in end. His solution to this problem is to kidnap different people, with different experiences to help him write. One of the captives, Annette, is the only one who gives him what he needs. Now that the story is done, what will that mean for Annette? Will she meet the same fate as the others?

This is a creative and very realistic tale. The narration by the writer lets the reader in on all his thoughts. The ending is a creative and good twist that makes a ton of sense. The art is very modern with great use of dark colors and blues to give the reader a sense of hopelessness.

Check Out My Review of Epitaphs From the Abyss #4


Written By J. Holtham – Art By David Lapham – Colors By Nick Filardi

A gun expo is taking place, and the gun salesmen are making sales. As a salesman is talking a concerned man into buying a gun, a rumbling breaks out that zombies are on there way. As the crowd gets more hysterical it becomes clear that zombies are the least of their problems.

This final story really hits the spot. The horror is all too real as the biggest threat is a hysterical mob. When the story concludes and the twist is revealed, it drives home that mob mentality is truly the most dangerous scenario. The art is great and makes you feel like you are in the mix with the crowd at the expo.

Final Thoughts

Epitaphs From the Abyss #6 scratches that horror comic itch. Every month the tales that they put together consistently entertain and intrigued. If you are a horror comic fan and this is not on your Pull List, you need to rectify that immediately and add this series now.

Final Grade: 9/10

For more of Rich’s content, make sure to check out and Subscribe to Nerd Initiative YouTube for episodes of Turn a Page and Wrestling Night Live! Later! Comic! Fans! 


BATMAN / SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #34 by Mark Waid, Fran Galán and Steve Wands (DC Comics) Cover: Dan Mora

The World’s Finest. An unbeatable pairing of heroes. It takes an insurmountable threat to take them down. Sometimes, it’s plain luck. In this case, Batman and Superman are missing. An unlikely duo steps in to fill the void. Will it be enough to save the day?

BATMAN / SUPERMAN: WORLDS FINEST #34 by Mark Waid, Fran Galán and Steve Wands presents the most surprising team-up in recent memory.

Let’s take a closer look at what is happening here!


This series brings out the best of the heroes involved. For this issue, Batgirl and Jimmy Olsen take center stage. The pair is as different as one would expect. Jumping in after another win by the World’s Finest, this story time jumps. The lead heroes are missing. Olsen and Batgirl are brought together by another great pair. Ace and Krypto (The Super Pets) lead the way to solving the mystery.


Waid crafts a very enjoyable story. The dynamic between Batgirl and Olsen clashes well enough. It gives readers an awkward sense as they start investigating. Once in the scene of the crime, events speed forward. The writing allows the best superhero themes to shine. Readers watch as the true heroes step in to save the day. Its’ resolution is classic. Even without its’ major players, this series continues to set the benchmark for superhero tales.

Galán steps in for art duties for this stand alone. The conflict with Galtar begins with a split full page. It features the standoff before diving into battle. Once the time jump happens, coloring makes the scenes more grim. It fits the world of Gotham City very well.

This is contrasted well with the brighter colors of Metropolis and Olsens’ world. Pacing pushes events very quickly. It builds toward a surprise reveal inside Arkham asylum. The full page image kicks off the closing conflict. It’s interrupted by an excellent full page welcome by some “super friends”. This leads to some great action panels before wrapping events up. The final pages finish the team-ups on solid ground with a classic final panel.


An unlikely team-up leads readers into a fun heroic adventure. Waid masterfully creates an entertaining tale with his writing. Galán’s art delivers on big action while presenting the opposite personalities. It’s a fantastic superhero story that doesn’t go out of style.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on Batman Superman Worlds’ Finest #34. Thanks for reading!



THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #2 (DC COMICS) by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Willie Schubert

A Murder on the JLU Watchtower?! How? With all the heroes of the DCU with access, this is impossible. Renee Montoya is overseeing security. Her tenure starts with a dead body on her watch. The evidence points to her former love. Can it be Batwoman is a killer?

THE QUESTION: ALL ALONG THE WATCHTOWER #2 (DC COMICS) by Alex Segura, Cian Tormey, Romulo Fajardo Jr. and Willie Schubert journeys further into the unknown with its latest chapter.

Let’s take a closer look at what is going on now.


Segura builds up a great deal of tension for Montoya to process. An easy lead-in with Animal Man quickly is dashed. The opening pages hit her with the shock factor of the crime. Playing off the awkwardness of Ted Kord adds a small break in the looming trouble. It shifts Montoya into a familiar role of detective. The crime seems open and shut but Montoya can’t close it just yet.


This leads into a dramatic showdown with Batwoman. Past feelings begin to resurface. It becomes the driver for this issue. Can Montoya separate personal opinion from fact? Readers see a small glimpse before the true threat appears. This leads into a wild action sequence. In its’ wake is a full circle return between the former lovers. Tension remain high even in somewhat victory. judging by the final page, maybe things are not so cut and dry after all.

Tormey and Fajardo Jr. welcome readers into this chapter with a full page image of how bad things are. This moves into Montoya’s investigation. The art captures the struggles seeing one of their own in a bad light. This leads to the confrontation brewing for this issue. Montoya and Batwoman’s talk pours with emotion. This gets interrupted with a certain Super villain crashing the scene.

With a full page shot, the big fight is underway. Readers watch as it turns into a failing attempt to buy time. The fight turns short lived but leaves a mark. There is no shortage of feelings are the line between hero and human is walked tightly. The final page presents a new wrinkle in plans. One door may have shut but another appears to have cracked open.


The case gets more complex as the Question searches for answers. Segura’s writing leans into the emotional strain of Montoya. Tormey and the art team casts the spotlight right on the former lovers as the truth becomes a larger conflict than the case.

Hit me up on ODPHpod social media and let me know your thoughts on The Question: All Along The Watchtower #1. Thanks for reading!




Something sinister is brewing in New York City. The Foot Clan, having found their way into the government is now the law. Who will save NYC?

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5 by Jason Aaron, Darick Robertson, Norm Rapmund, Tony Avina, and Shawn Lee. (Credit IDW Publishing. Cover by Javier Fernandez and Patricio Delpeche.)

Jason Aaron (WRITER) Darick Robertson (PENCILS, and INKS) Norm Rapmund (PENCILS and INKS) Tony Avina (COLORS) Shawn Lee (LETTERS) Javier Fernandez and Patricio Delpeche (COVER)

The Writing:

As the first arc comes to a close Jason pens this issue as an epilogue and warning of what the future holds. It’s thrilling seeing Casey Jones come into the mix as Aaron is giving the reader more than our beloved Turtles.

He is also showcasing the ugly side of corruption. The Foot are preying on the weak and have found themselves now with a foothold on the city. As this issue ends with a massive cliff hanger I can already tell you Jason Aaron may have written one of the best arcs in Turtles history.

The Artwork:

Darick Robertson! Need I say more? His inclusion into issue #5 is such a beautiful sight to see as him and Norm work effortlessly together. There is a level of brutality and sinister vibes they give us through their drawings. This created art that pops out to the readers eyes.

Tony steps in bringing vibrancy to the coloring making this a beautiful book inside the cover. The fight sequences and dust ups with Casey and the Foot are clean and concise as well as the settings were taken to. Shawn wraps up this issue by delivering lettering to capture the underlying sinister tone that is setting us up for future arcs.


Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #5 is a kick ass epilogue and has the first arc ending with a bang. Our heroes are in for a rude awakening when they return and the cliffhanger this issue leaves us on brings about an audible gasp. Catch up now if you haven’t because this is going to be talked about for years to come.
10/10 Ninja Stars

For more from Matt and his weekly podcast Hops Geek News check out

Freddie the Fix #1 – Fixing Problems for the Monsters in Hollywood


Freddie is a fixer of problems in Hollywood. However, his clients aren’t monsters for what they’ve done…they are actual monsters.

Credit: Ninth Circle/Image Comics

Freddie the Fix #1

Written By Garth Ennis – Art By Mike Perkins

Colors By Mike Spicer & Andy Troy – Letters By Rob Steen

Edited By Joe Pruett – Published By Ninth Circle/Image Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

The Predator Had What in His Mouth

Freddie is a man who can clean up any mess to keep his clients out of trouble. The problem is one of the first clients we meet is a werewolf who has slaughtered a love interest after being triggered. Of course, Freddie fixes it and moves on with his day and who he can help next. As he returns to the office, he finds out that the Boogeyman has died.

Now he switches gears to find out if the Boogeyman is dead. This investigation takes him to a club of vampires, kidnapped by creatures from the sewer, and even in the council of crab monsters. As the story unravels and the truth comes to light, Freddie must use all his cunning to get to the bottom of this situation.

The Boogeyman is a Scumbag

Freddie the Fix is an awesome read. Garth Ennis brings it on every page of this story. Giving some mystery, a little horror & gore, and some of that classic Ennis humor. This story has a little something for everyone. The only down part to this story is that it’s currently only a one shot.

The art in this book is phenomenal. Mike Perkins does an awesome job of bringing this world to life. The character designs are outstanding, and the amount of gore is tasteful but also plentiful. The color pallet in this book is great and the lettering really encapsulates the feel of the story.

Check Out My Review of GunSlinger Spawn #38

Final Thoughts

Freddie the Fix is an awesome read, with a little something for readers of all types of comics. It has a Pulp Fiction feel to it. This is a book that you should definitely get to the LCS to get a copy on this NCBD. It gets my stamp of approval and makes me hope for more from this story in the future.

Final Grade: 10/10

For more of my content, make sure to check out and Subscribe to Nerd Initiative YouTube for episodes of Turn a Page and Wrestling Night Live! Later! Comic! Fans!

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – Wedding Spectacular


Hello there! Padawan J here, the resident Star Wars expert from the ODPH! And this week I’m going to be reviewing the one-shot story that is the wedding event of the year from Daniel Jose Older & Dark Horse Comics!

This issue is one that I’ve been anticipating for quite some time, and it’s the wedding of the year! Forget Peter & Mary Jane, forget Clark & Lois! It’s the wedding of Zeen Mrala & Lula Talisola! Seated and ready for the ceremony? Good! So let’s jump into it!

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures: The Wedding Spectacular – Courtesy: Dark Horse Comics (cover: Cherriielle)

Star Wars: The High Republic Adventures – The Wedding Spectacular by Daniel Jose Older (writer), Harvey Tolibao, Caio Filipe, Andy Duggan, Jo Migyeong, Toni Bruno, Megan Huang, Nick Brokenshire, Elisa Romboli (artists), Michael Atiyeh, Vladimir Popov, Dan Jackson, Nicola Righi (color art), Comicraft’s Tyler Smith & Jimmy Betancourt (letterer’s) & Cherriielle (cover art) is a rollercoaster ride of an issue. It’s a great read and a nice culmination of a story that’s been developing across the various story’s in The High Republic Adventures.

The issue as you probably figured out is that it’s the wedding between Zeen & Lula, and of course it isn’t going to go off without a hitch. It’s a wedding behind the storm wall, so of course the Nihil are going to be involved.

As far as weddings go it is a beautiful one, but the process to get there is anything but simple. One of the highlights of the issue is the appearance of all the characters we’ve seen in the other stories. It’s a nice payoff for having read so many issues. The end of the issue is an important one, since it sets up for the next major battle in the comics.

FINAL POINT: The issue is fun, and one that if you’re reading the High Republic Adventures issues you’re going to want to read. Daniel Jose Older writes a great story and pens a memorable issue. This is a one shot you won’t want to miss if you’re a Star Wars fan.

SCORE: 8.0 out of 10

Thanks for checking out my review on Nerd Initiative. For more of my content, check out, follow me on Twitter, and check out more of my reviews here on Nerd Initiative:!