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STORM #6 – The Big Fight for the Professor

Cover art by Mateus Manhanini. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Creative Team – Murewa Ayodele(writer). Luciano Vecchio(artist). Alex Guimarães & Rachelle Rosenberg(color artists). VC’s Travis Lanham(letterer). Mateus Manhanini(cover artist).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Catch up with Storm #5 here!

The Story

Professor Charles Xavier has escaped Graymalkin Prison and is on the run, and doesn’t know who he can truly trust to fight for him. He’s taken refuge in the Storm Sanctuary, home to Storm and someone we haven’t seen in quite some time, Maggott! Storm is very hesitant to help Charles, as she’s a registered Avenger now. That means if she’s found to be harboring a fugitive, then she could lose her licenses and diplomatic immunity taken away.

With Charles on the run, Storm is more than certain there are teams of beings who have the abilities to cause unimaginable pain will be let loose to find the escaped convict. So, Storm, Professor X, and Maggott must all prepare for battle. After a great look at Storm’s new suit, it’s time to wait for the mysterious guests who will come to take Charles back to prison.

Variant cover art by Phil Noto. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Charles being an omega-level threat means only the brightest and strongest are able to apprehend the escapee, so it’s no surprise when the X-Men appear. The X-Men, led by Scott Summers, are here to take Charles back to Graymalkin, but Storm won’t have it. The X-Men are willing to fight, but little do they know about Storm and her new found cosmic powers.

The Writing

Murewa Ayodele did really well showing just how much Storm has changed from when she was apart of the X-Men with Storm #6. She’s now the avatar for the cosmic entity Eternity, she’s now an Avenger, and she’s playing by her own rules and beliefs. Seeing her having to fight the X-Men over Charles’ freedom was exciting, yet devastating.

Exciting because she got to showcase her true powers, devastating because it was against people she considers family. Ayodele continues to impress with Storm, making each comic even more powerful than the last.

The Art

Luciano Vecchio always brings the heat with his art, and he continues to do that with Storm #6. Some of the best panels of the run can be found in this comic, with Storm showcasing her new cosmic powers against people she considers family, which drips of power and emotion.

Along with Vecchio, you have Alex Guimarães and Rachelle Rosenberg handling the colors, and absolutely nailing it, with Travis Lanham on letters, who made each word pack a punch. All in all, the artwork of Storm #6 deserves a 10/10 itself.

Overall Grade – 9.7/10

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This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Storm #6, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

NYX #9 – The Exciting Manhunt Has Begun!

Cover art by Sara Pichelli & Federico Blee. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Creative Team – Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly(writers). Francesco Mortarino(artist). Raúl Angulo(color artist). VC’s Joe Sabino(letterer). Sara Pichelli & Federico Blee(cover artists).

Published by Marvel Entertainment


The Story

Professor Charles Xavier has escaped from Graymalkin Prison, and is on the run! It all started when Charles received a psychic distress signal from his daughter, and now he’s busted out of prison. Now, there’s a massive manhunt for the omega-level threat of an escapee, and Charles doesn’t really know who to trust.

Some mutants are not friends to him after all that went down with the Fall of Krakoa, and NYX is among that group. Anole brings Charles to the community center built by the members of NYX and says that this problem is much too big for the Morlocks to handle on their own.

David, AKA Prodigy, is automatic with his response of telling Charles to get out of the community center. But unfortunately, the problem at hand is much bigger than Prodigy’s anger towards Charles. According to Charles, the new Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Doom, has control of the last remaining seed of Krakoa.

Variant cover art by Phil Noto. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Prodigy stays strong in his feelings, telling Charles that NYX isn’t a paramilitary force, and they aren’t Charles’ child soldiers. If Charles wants the seed so badly, he must get it himself. With Prodigy making it very clear that NYX has no interest to assist Charles or Anole with this, it comes as a surprise that a member would offer their assistance.

Kamala, AKA Ms. Marvel, says Charles shouldn’t have come to NYX for help, and that Charles needs to get out of NYC as soon as possible. If that means Kamala has to help in getting the last remaining seed of Krakoa from Doom, then that’s what she will do.

The Writing

Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly set the tone immediately with an ominous monologue directed at Charles Xavier that continues throughout NYX #9. The monologue itself puts a lot of what Charles does in the comic in perspective, showing that he will do whatever he can and hurt whoever he can to achieve his goals, which is what he did in NYX #9.

Having Anole and Ms. Marvel fight his battles without so much as a look back from him was haunting but unsurprising of the escapee. With NYX #9 being part two of seven, I’d say Lanzing and Kelly really did well adding to the set tone for the event overall.

The Art

With the art done by Francesco Mortarino, this was sure to be a beautiful feast for the eyes with the amount of detail each panel was given. Add that with colors from Raúl Angulo, and letters by Joe Sabino, and you have yourself a stunning comic book. NYX #9 had some really great moments art-wise that added a lot of depth to the storyline. With gorgeous cool toned colors throughout the fight with Kamala and Anole, juxtaposed the bright reds, it made the fight feel so much bigger. The artists of NYX continue to impress with NYX #9 and I can’t wait to see what they do next.

Overall Grade – 8.8/10

Let me know in the comments below what you thought of NYX #9!

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This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of NYX #9, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!


JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #3 by Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, Mike Perkins, Adriano Lucas, and Wes Abbott (DC COMICS)

With great power comes greater measures. In the wake of Amanda Waller’s attack on the DCU superpowered community, there have been complications. Some has their powers transferred away. Ryan Choi and Ray Palmer have attempted to solve this problem. The only question following them is: was the cost too much?

JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #3 by Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, Mike Perkins, Adriano Lucas, and Wes Abbott continues the ambitious project looming over the DCU heroes.

Let’s take a closer look at what happens now.


In its’ strongest moments, readers are getting the set-up for the tragic fall of Captain Atom. When the moments gel, there is something that cements the story’s importance. This isn’t fluid to do the structure of past vs. present.

It proves more difficult to put the pieces together due to its time hopping. There is one moment that really stands out throughout the jumping.

After Choi and Palmer have proved another test worked, a disturbance erupts on the tower. Readers watch as a noble Captain deals with it head on. The rescue might have tipped the writers hand as how the present takes shape. Once in the close, the ending plays off this set-up well. It also throws Palmer into a polarizing light. His actions through this series have had some suspicion. This really comes to fruition here. The issue bows out with a great cliffhanger that proves the project becomes even more complicated.


Perkins and Lucas show a happier side of the troubled Captain with a full page image. This goes against his present state. The facial expressions tell the struggle and pain Atom is dealing with. Readers watch as the burden of Power becomes too heavy.

The rescue pages begin with the painful ordeal of power switching. As the Atoms celebrate, Atom Smasher is screaming. This is an indicator of how their project isn’t exactly safe. there’s no time to rest when the Tower is rocked in its’ Triage Unit. A two-page spread shows the mad state unfolding. Palmer’s fearful look spells certain disaster. Captain Atom makes an effort to save the day with a half page image. The results (imo) can be seen in the closing pages. Before readers get the payoff, a familar face crashes. The final full page shot leaves a hint of excitement as things wrap up.


Three issues in and the structure style hampers what should be a pay-off in waiting. The writing hones in on the painful saga of Captain Atom. Each panel mirrors the deadly grind to solve this overbearing dilemma. Once the closing page hits, readers are left with a showdown that will either make or break the project. The choice is theirs.

Let me know your thoughts on JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #3 in the comments below. Thanks for reading! CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN

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Web of Spider-Verse #1: New, ‘Incredible’ Spider Characters

Web of Spider-Verse New Blood #1:

So, Marvel has come up with one of the cooler ideas I’ve seen in comics in quite some time. For the new Web of Spider-Verse, different creative teams are working on various Spidey characters and their stories.

For example, one of Nerd Initiative’s favorites Mat Groom is writing for Web-Heart and Spider-Prowler, while the incomparable Greg Pak is writing for Spider-Hulk and so on.

It’s a really fun concept and you’ll see how each writer, artist and more puts their own stamp on these new characters.

Credit: Marvel Ent

Creative Team:

Writers: Mat Groom, Greg Pak, Jordan Morris

Artists: Luciano Vecchio, Alan Robinson, Sumit Kumar, Federico Vicentini

Color Artist: Rachelle Rosenberg, Yen Nitro, Matt Milla, Dee Cunniffe

Letters: VC’S Joe Caramagna

PUBLISHER: Marvel Comics

The Art:

As Web-Heart is working to find his final piece for his Spider-Team, we meet Spider-Hulk, your normal Spectacular Spider-Man, who was zapped and transformed into this new Hulk-like version of himself.

With Hulk, Robinson gives you one of the cooler visuals you’ll ever see as a Spider-Man fan, seeing peter Hulk out against the Sinister Six. I mean, it can’t get better.

With Count Parker, there’s a Todd McFarlane feel to things as MJ looks for this possibly nefarious and unique Spider-Vampire?! Another interesting story and so much fun to see how it all ties back to the main plot.

I don’t want to spoil anymore, but Spider-Prowler has yet another unique artistic style that draws from Vincentini and his prowess. It fits right alongside the Miles Morales universe.

Check out Doom Academy #1: A New Sheriff In Town?

The Writing:

I mean if you came to me about a comic with writers like Groom and Pak, I’d say YES with all caps before I knew what it was. But to add that it’s Spidey and new takes on Spidey, I mean, just wow!

The backstories and writing are what make this so damn unique.

You’re going to love Spider-Hulk and Prowler, the depth to them is something we’re just tapping into and it feels like when we first met Spider-Gwen. No one could have imagined what that character would mean to the world at the time, but here we are years later with a superhero millions love.

I think the same will one day be said about some of these new Spideys.

Overall Grade: 9.5/10

It’s THAT good and this creative team is not playing around one bit! I CANNOT wait for the rest of this cross-over to see where it all goes and who else we get to meet along the way!

Let us know what you thought of this issue in the comments below!

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JSA #5 by Jeff Lemire, Diego Olortegui, Luis Guerrero and Steve Wands (DC Comics) Cover: Cully Hammer

The injustice Society has struck the JSA on many fronts. Obsidian was replaced to cause a disruption. Another faction of the team has been reeling in Dr. Fate’s castle. None have been more graver than Hawkman. Seemingly killed in action, the Winged Warrior awaits his fate. Help has arrived in an unlikely soul. Can she be trusted enough to start turning the tide?

JSA #5 by Jeff Lemire, Diego Olortegui, Luis Guerrero and Steve Wands (DC Comics) continues its “Ragnorak” storyline.

Let’s take a deeper dive into the latest chapter!


Lemire juggles around well-timed twists while taking readers to the close. Hawkman’s story takes center stage. The unlikely pairing of him and Kid Eternity works. It provides an awkward break before heading into action. The initial showdown with Wotan’s forces launches readers into the ever evolving main plot.

The Injustice Society’s chess moves start backfiring a touch. This leads into great character moments for Dr. Mid-Nite and Jade respectively. With the Obsidian switch, more focus is put on Jade’s shoulder. The result pushes events towards an eventual showdown. Each party involved has a moment to prepare before heading into action. With their backs against the wall, the JSA’s elder guard close the chapter down. Knowing their fate is uncertain, it’s a solid landing spot to pause events on. Brace for a big arc finale.


Olortegui returns to art duties w/ Guerrero after one issue off. Hawkman’s showdown with Woton’s troops begins with a full page shot. It is quickly followed by a stellar two page spread of the calvary swooping in. Events turn to Dr. Mid-Nite’s escape. Pacing moves fast to hit the key areas. This style helps with such a large ensemble cast.

Obsidian and Jakeem get a distinct two page image to break down their troubles. It gets upstages by Jade’s saga. Her broken reactions convey the sense of loss to the readers. It quickly shifts into rage as the pieces of the evil puzzle come into focus. Event close off with an intense two page image of the assault on Fate’s tower. There’s no way anyone sees this and isn’t impressed. This leads into the closing image of the heroes. Knowing what’s outside, the sense of impending danger simply can’t be ignored.


The march to “Ragnarök” continues with a fast moving chapter. Lemire packs the writing with a dire feel. Olortegui returns to construct a path where the heroes may not make it out in one piece. If looking for a classic superhero saga, look no further.

Let me know your thoughts on JSA #5 in the comments below. Thanks for reading! CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN

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ARCBOUND #4 by Scott Snyder, Frank Tieri, Tom Hardy, Ryan Smallman, Frank William and Buddy Beaudoin (Dark Horse Comics)

Kai’s mission finds an unlikely ally. Barnes was hired by Xander to eliminate the disgraced solider. In dealing with double crosses, few are on Xander’s level. Unfortunately for him, he over-estimated. The deal went off the tracks. Zynitec’s hold over Kronium now has a larger problem on its’ hands.

ARCBOUND #4 by Scott Snyder, Frank Tieri, Tom Hardy, Ryan Smallman, Frank William and Buddy Beaudoin (Dark Horse Comics) shows Kai’s rebellion take a huge leap.

Let’s dive into the latest chapter of the sci-fi epic!


The writing pushes Kai and company into a direct line of danger. Readers witness the Queen of Zynitec take an assessment of events. There are many emotions at play during this. The Queen shows little reaction as she processes what she’s told. General Shrush and Xander attempt to cover the misleading with some success. It all leads to a reunion with Kai and his new friends.

Their plans of raiding a vault don’t go according to plan. Events shift gears into a electric fight for survival. The writing escalates the battle extremely well. It’s a gradual build until the big move taken to secure victory. Readers watch as the gamble works and doesn’t. The outcome casts Kai onto an all too familiar landscape. Readers watch as their location carries its’ own unique story. The closing pages leave things on a solid foundation. There’s nowhere to go but up from this conclusion.


Smallman and William give the Queen a regal welcome to the chapter. The near full page image of her addressing her people elevates impressions. Shrush and Xander’s debriefing packs a sense of fraud when the details are presses. The images depict more is not being shared by all parties. In contrast, it appears Kai and his group are on the same thought concerning their task.

Their location is compromised in a bold full page spread. It’s non stop action from this point. readers ride along as the group scrambles to survive the Zynitec attack. Just when they think they’ve escaped, another full page image shows how futile their attempt was. Many tricks are pulled out to escape this conflict. The result is a new planet with unstable energy it gives off. Another full page shot oversees this new landscape. This leads to the closing images. They will strike a chord with how human they make Kai. It’s a moment of peace in a very conflict driven chapter. Readers will be wondering what’s next from this challenging series.


The latest chapter of an Arc’s rebellion pushes events right along. Solid writing brings out Kai’s frantic quest to fight back. Stallman and the team build an exciting stand-off which only leads to more trouble. Readers had better settle in for another wild ride of intrigue and intensity.

Let me know in the comments what you thought of Arcbound #4 in the comments below. Thanks for reading! CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN

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Nightwatcher #6 Heavy is the Head That Wears the Helmet

Jennika and Nightwatcher have taken Lao Ban off of the board, leaving a vacuum for power in the wake. Now, Nightwatcher has gone rogue with little to no understanding of the world around it. Jennika has to struggle with personal relationships and responsibilities, all while keeping tabs on the living armor she was entrusted to protect.

Courtesy of IDW Publishing. Cover art by Claire Roe & Jordie Bellaire.

The Burden of the Nightwatcher

Nightwatcher seemingly wrapped up the first arc of it’s story in issue 5. The big bad Lao Ban is defeated and the streets will be safe from his ruthless fists. Of course that’s not how the world works. When the top of the food chain is removed, there’s a war to find out who takes that spot. The streets are in need of a silent protector now more than ever.

Catch up with issue #5 here!

Unfortunately, the Nightwatcher armor has decided to go off on it’s own and Jennika is left in a tough spot: Lao Ban is locked away in her makeshift prison, the woman she loves won’t answer her calls, and a naive Nightwatcher is out wandering the streets. Jennika’s plate is overflowing. She will have to search her soul and find balance if she hopes to achieve anything moving forward.

The Dynamic of Teacher and Student in Nightwatcher #6

The scope of this issue is small in size. It’s contained within the small circle of Jennika and the Nightwatcher. The issues that are addressed in this issue are massive, however. Juni Ba takes us on a deep dive into the weight on Jennika’s shoulders. I love the fact that he does this through the eyes of her antagonist Lao Ban. Who better to understand the psychological nature of a caged animal more than him? As ruthless as he may be, he actually serves up some good points, like a mentor or Sensei of some sorts. Of course all of it is ultimately mind games that he uses to weaken Jennika and test her mental strength.

Courtesy of IDW Publishing. Cover art by Juni Ba.

The primary plot in this issue is Jennika’s relationship to the Nightwatcher armor. It’s technically a child, learning through trial and error. That proves to be dangerous for a mystical golem trapped with in powerful armor. When guided by someone with a learned set of morals and ethics, it can be a force for good. On its own though, it tends to pick up bad habits. How far will it go before it does something abominable?

The Art Compliments the Story in Nightwatcher #6

Fero Pe and Luis Antonio Delgado continue to bring a striking and beautiful grittiness to the pages of Nightwatcher. The monstrous design of the Nightwatcher is so intimidating and borderline horrific, yet a glimmer humanity keeps it slightly innocent and curious.

Casey Jones and Raphael are in some deep trouble! Mutant Nation!

Lao Ban is as intimidating as ever, even in a cage. He sits in shadows and stills look massive. His words feel almost reassuring at times, but his face tells you that he is still a dangerous being. There’s a lot of focus on his face, showing a range of emotions from disgust, to anger, to mischievous.

Overall Grade: 9/10

This series gets better with every issue. The dynamic between Jennika and the armor weighs heavy on the story and the musings of Lao Ban intensify that. Ban is a great villain that proved his physical power in the previous issue, but shows his psychological advantage here. It’s like watching Hannibal Lecter poke and prod and Clarice Starling in The Silence of the Lambs. Issue 6 is a fantastic take on “with great power comes great responsibility” from more than one angle.

MOON KNIGHT: FIST OF KHONSHU #6 – Learning from Mistakes

Cover art by Davide Paratore. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Creative Team – Jed MacKay(writer). Domenico Carbone(artist). Rachelle Rosenberg(color artist). Vc’s Cory Petit(letterer). Davide Paratore(cover artist).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Catch up with Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #5 here!

“A WRATHFUL GOD! Marc Spector, A.K.A. MOON KNIGHT, has failed! With blood on his hands and a fractured team, Marc faces a sort of confessional with his god KHONSHU — who’s known less for his forgiveness and more for his fists!” (Credit: Marvel)

The Story

After the exhilarating fight with Fairchild, Moon Knight ends up unconscious on the ground after finding out Fairchild is actually Asgardian. Being Asgardian gives Fairchild a much bigger advantage in the hand to hand combat against Moon Knight. That becomes very clear. Moon Knight comes to in his own mind, as he’s in a coma, and face to face with Khonshu, who is less than pleased. Khonshu says Moon Knight embarrassed him in his fight with Fairchild, which Moon Knight doesn’t react pleasantly to.

Meanwhile, Tigra and Hunter’s Moon try to find out where Moon Knight is. Khonshu gives Hunter’s Moon the information he needs to find Moon Knight before it’s too late. But where is Moon Knight currently? Well, instead of finishing him off, Fairchild decided to keep Moon Knight alive. That way, he cannot be brought back from the dead by Khonshu and have the upper hand. Instead, he wants to keep him alive, lock him away, with no access to his team or the moon.

While Fairchild sees this as a smart plan, he didn’t take into account how far Moon Knight’s friends will go to find him.

Variant cover art by Peach Momoko. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

Another exciting installment of Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu by Jed MacKay! There were some really great moments but what I enjoyed the most was the back and forth between Khonshu and Moon Knight. I feel it really showed that while Khonshu feels shamed by Moon Knight, it still showed how much love he has for who he sees as his son.

There also was a great bit of team work from Tigra, Hunter’s Moon, and the others as they do whatever they can to ensure they bring Moon Knight home. There’s been so much excitement throughout this comic run, but I feel the important theme of this installment was family.

The Art

While the artists continue to impress in Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu, I would say this installment has some of the best visuals of the entire run. The pages with Khonshu and Moon Knight were simply stunning, with striking contrasting colors used against the stark white colors on Moon Knight and Khonshu.

Another part I really appreciated was the grittiness of the scenes where Fairchild beat Moon Knight in hand to hand combat. There was an excellent amount of details used in these panels, as well as very warm tones throughout these scenes. It really matched the tone of the storyline perfectly.

Overall Grade – 8.4/10

Tell me what you thought of Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #6 in the comments below!

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This article was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Moon Knight: Fist of Khonshu #6, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

DOCTOR STRANGE OF ASGARD #1 – New Guy on the Block

Creative Team – Derek Landy(writer). Carlos Magno(artist). Espen Grundetjern(color artist). Vc’s Cory Petit(letterer). Geoff Shaw & Arthur Hesli(cover artists).

Published by Marvel Entertainment

Catch up on the One World Under Doom event here!

Cover art by Geoff Shaw & Arthur Hesli. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Story

After Doctor Doom acquired the title of Sorcerer Supreme in the Blood Hunt, Doctor Stephen Strange is without the title he held so near and dear. Now that he is without his title, he’s going through the motions of trying to reclaim the title of Sorcerer Supreme, which brings Stephen to Asgard. Asgard is without a Sorcerer Supreme, as they’ve never needed one since it’s always been protected by skalds. But the last skald was banished by Thor, which isn’t surprising given it was his brother, Loki.

Thor is supportive of Stephen taking over as Asgard’s first Sorcerer Supreme, so Stephen takes off to begin. All Stephen needs to do is get the blessing of Asgard’s Magical Authority, Hulda, and he is in the clear to start his new journey. Stephen meets a few Asgardians but one that finds their way to him is a wizard named Aslak. Aslak says Hulda is requesting Stephen’s presence, so off they go to meet her.

Variant art by Clayton Crain. Published by Marvel Entertainment

After meetings a few Asgardians that Aslak knows, they finally arrive to Hulda’s residence. As she’s expecting him, she is more than happy to have a civil conversation rather than hear a long speech prepared by Stephen as to why he should be the Sorcerer Supreme. In that, Stephen realizes that he will need to find a way to compensate for the different in Midgard’s magic and Asgard’s magic. While brainstorming, who is to unexpectedly show up but the banished brother himself, Loki. While Loki is more than happy to endorse Stephen to be the Sorcerer Supreme, it seems Loki has far more up his sleeve than just supporting Stephen.

The Writing

I like that we’re seeing this more vulnerable state from Stephen Strange as he goes through this identity crisis. It’s interesting to see him migrate to Asgard during the One World Under Doom event, as I’m interested to see how Thor and Strange tie into the event itself. The story itself has a lot of depth, like getting to know the Asgardians way of life, and how they live their day to day on Asgard. Derek Landy brought a lot of exciting factors to this story, such as Loki, and I’m excited to see where it goes.

The Art

The artwork of Doctor Strange of Asgard #1 was absolutely stunning. Carlos Magno gave so much detail in each and every panel, your eyes can’t get enough. Match that with the beautiful use of colors by Espen Grundetjern, and you have something special.

The parts that I think showcase the artists talents the most are the pages with Stephen Strange using his magical powers, especially towards the end involving Loki. It was gorgeous and had an otherworldly look to it.

Overall Grade – 8.9/10

Let me know in the comments what you thought of Doctor Strange of Asgard #1!

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This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast. If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Doctor Strange of Asgard #1, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Blade Forger #1: Risking It All For Eternal Life?

Cover Artist: Inaki Miranda Mad Cave Comics

Writer Roy Miranda

Writer Inaki Miranda

Colorist Eva De La Cruz

Letterer David Sharpe

Cover Artist Inaki Miranda

Publisher Mad Cave Studios

He-Man meets Gladiator, this is your tape. I was very surprised reading Blade Forger, which follows a warrior named Owada. Owada is meant for greatness, as seen when he is younger.  Owada believes in many philosophies that follow a lot of him fighting, and defending honor. He believes that the sword is the only way through problems. Owada has become a neutral emperor, and he also defends the people from his town. 

Owada seems like a great warrior through and through. They have him traveling to a tournament, to prove that he is the best Forger. Of course, there is a bit of a backstory, where he falls in love with a girl named Sira. Owada kind of has to keep up the fighting for many more years, and he finally becomes an older man. Owada loves Sira, and suddenly he has a daughter named Sakima.  Family becomes what he cares about most, and wants to protect both Sira and Sakima. 

This first issue was fantastic. It had a little bit of gore with some of the action sequences. Especially, when Owada was fighting in many of the battles that he was in. One thing I wish that they had elaborated on, was him having hobbies outside of fighting. I would have liked to also see some more family time with Sakira and Sakima. It is only the first issue, but establishing those concepts would make me like it even more. The art was very good, colorful all in the right places. The color palette has so many colors that are vibrant and bring Owada to life.

Overall Grade: 9/10.


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