Avery laid down the gauntlet to the Roulette Council but was it the smart thing to do. Now, facing down a 3 on 1 joust, will she be able to save the reputation of the one she loves?

S.I.R #5
Script & Art By Fell Hound
Colors By Eleonora Bruni – Letters By Becca Carey
Edited By Elizabeth Brei – Published By BOOM! Box/Boom! Studios
***Minor Spoilers Possible***
Restoring Honor
The time is upon us, as Avery prepares to become Sir Athene once again. Only this time she will be in a 3 on 1 handicapped match against the Roulette Council. Despite being warned not to do this, Avery must fight for her love, Nico. But as time draws near, the butterflies in her stomach grow.
As the competition starts, the crowd goes wild. Unfortunately, it becomes clear that the council is not going to play fair. Despite this Avery holds her own but is it enough. Just when it seems her luck has run out, she finds out she is not alone.
Winning isn’t Everything
S.I.R #5 gives us a fitting close for this arc. Fell Hound put so much heart into this issue and series. The human element and love story really takes center stage in this series. The action and motorcycle jousting takes a backseat to the emotional story but is also a great and original device.
The anime style art is top tier. Fell Hound’s art mixed with the amazing color pallet of Eleonora Bruni makes for a perfect pairing. The lettering from Becca Carey is some of the best in comics today. Evey panel is beautiful, emotional, and stunning.
Check Out My Review of S.I.R #4
Final Thoughts
S.I.R #5 appears to be the finale of this arc, however hopefully this isn’t the end of the line. This arc has been one of the most heartfelt comics out today. If you need a pick me up with a lot of heart this is the story for you.
Final Grade: 9/10
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