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SDCC Spotlight: The Killing Hole


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What’s Up Comic Fans!? Rich from the NI Comics Bullpen back with another Horror Graphic Novel Review. This time I’m reviewing The Killing Hole from Storm King Comics. This book is part of the Dark & Twisted series created by Sandy King.

The Killing Hole is written by Steve Niles, with art by Trevor Denham. The colors are done by Ryan Winn, and lettering by Janice Chiang. The Editor of the book is Sandy King, with cover art from Trevor Denham & Ryan Winn.

Storm King Comics is currently at SDCC and featuring The Killing Hole and another book I reviewed The God List. If you are at SDCC make sure to visit their booth.

The God List Review

Let’s dive into the hole and find out what it’s all about.

Credit: Storm King Comics

***Minor Spoilers Possible***

It Was 1979…

The Killing Hole takes place in a planned community in Virgina, and the year is 1979. Our narrator is a man named Stew, who is telling us the story from over 40n years in the future. Stew tells us of when he first saw a new kid, Peter. He admits there was something about him that made him pause.

As time goes on Stew & Peter become friends, best friends to be exact. However, they both have a knack for trouble and committing minor crimes. This catches the eye of the police, specifically Officer Clark, who then starts to keep a close eye on them.

The boys would decide they needed a hangout, so they dug a hole in the ground, put a roof over it, and camouflaged the hideout. After using the spot as a place to skip school, smoke pot, and drink for months. They finally hit a perfect storm that changed their lives forever.

Peter gets beat up by a bully and Officer Clark arrests Stew. By the time Stew can get back to the hole, Peter has done something terrible. In a twist of fate Stew must make a drastic decision that will affect him all the way to the day he is telling the story, 40 plus years later.

Final Thoughts

The Killing Hole is a slow burn tale that when you get to the end it throws you a curve ball. The character development is amazing and by the end you feel for the main characters that you’ve grown to know. Steve Niles does an awesome job creating the entire world you get immersed in.

As good as the writing is, the art is just as good. It looks dated and really makes you feel you are in 1979. Trevor Denham’s artwork has the look of if you made Halloween (1978) into a graphic novel.

Credit: Storm King Comics

My only real problem is I wish there was more! When I finished the book, I was sad my journey was over. This book is a great read and fits into so many fandoms that it’s a can’t miss. If you like thrillers, true crime, elevated horror, or just great graphic novels, you must read The Killing Hole.

Final Grade: 9/10

For more of my content, make sure to check out 3fnpodcast.com and Subscribe to Nerd Initiative YouTube for episodes of Turn a Page and Wrestling Night Live! Later! Comic! Fans! 

Richard Coryell
Richard Coryellhttp://3fnpodcast.com
Head of NI Wrestling Host of Wrestling Night Live Host of the 3FN Podcast

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