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TVA #4 – One Step Closer to the Truth


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Creative Team – Katharyn Blair(writer). Pere Pérez(artist). Guru-eFX(color artist). VC’s Joe Sabino(letterer). Pere Pérez Guru-eFX(cover artists). 

Published by Marvel Entertainment


A TIME TO FIGHT! The R&D Team is circling in on the cause of the Madness and its connection to the TVA’s not-so-nonexistent Department of Deferment. But as they dig deeper into the TVA’s secrets, they’ll find that some dangers should never be uncovered.” (Source: Marvel)

The Story

Cover art by Guru-eFX & Pere Peréz. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Another installment of TVA, another step closer to finding out what is going on at the TVA and the different universes that are affecting by whatever this is. Last we left the team in TVA #3, Gwen ha snuck down to the Department of Deferment to follow the signs in the dreams she’s been having. Who is she to run into but the Scarlet Witch herself, who seems to be frozen in time. Gwen’s time in the abandoned area was cut short, so to be safe, she ditched the mission, promising that she wasn’t done with it.

Now that Peggy has returned, a new mission is in order; Gambit, Indrid, and Gwen are to pay New Orleans, Louisiana, Gambit’s homeland, a visit. After meeting some very interesting locals, the search is on for the three TVA workers to find their next clue.

Once they’ve looked around some, they’re lead to a bookstore to a very peculiar book that looks to be magic. The book is clearly very important because the three are attacked by what looks like shadow monsters outside of the store. Narrowly escaping with the book in hand, the three make it back to the TVA safe and sound. Once they’re back at the TVA, they find out that Mobius has finally woken up! Now it’s time to find out what really happened to him in that hallway, and hopefully find an answer to all this madness.

Variant cover art by Zumela Scotto Lavina. Published by Marvel Entertainment

The Writing

I really like how well Katharyn Blair is able to write so many different storylines at once, like with Sylvie and Mobius, and the three who went to New Orleans, and OB. Each part of the story fits in with the other, and is all written very organized.

With each issue, I get more and more excited to find out the answers to all the big questions. Who stabbed Mobius? Why is Gwen having these dreams? What is causing the Madness? Are all of these problems the same answer? The story is building anticipation very well and keeps you locked in.

The Art

Pere Peréz and Guru-eFX do a fantastic job making the comic look as exciting as the story itself. I really appreciate how the fight with the shadow monsters was full of excitement and surprise. Gambit and Gwen looked amazing fighting them off, and did so while looking so powerful. Of course, you can’t not talk about Joe Sabino, who continues to impress with his work on the lettering.

Overall Grade – 8.7/10

Let me know in the comments below what you thought of TVA #4!

One response to “TVA #4 – One Step Closer to the Truth”

  1. Yancy Arce Avatar

    I love the fact this is an actual tie-in series to the MCU. Nice review!

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This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of TVA #4, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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