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Cable: Love and Chrome #3 Time for the Afterlife


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Cable took a beating and now the battle for his soul continues on. He’s on the brink of death and the only thing keeping him from biting the bullet is the memories of his Commander and lover, Avery Ryder. While Nathan rages internally against the Techno-Organic Virus, Avery is off to take down the Conclave for good. Action, love, and pain are the menu in issue 3 of Cable: Love and Chrome!

Courtesy of MARVEL Entertainment. Cover art by Ian Churchill & Morry Hollowell

How Did We Get Here in Cable: Love and Chrome?

What a ride David Pepose has taken us on thus far! This feels like a classic Cable story in the making that will serve as marker for what Cable should be going forward in Marvel comics. Cable has landed somewhere in time in the town of Salvation Bay. It’s here that an entire community in infected with the same Techno-Organic Virus that has plagued him. They live off of a drug called “Spark” in exchange for the freedom to an evil corporation called the Prime Conclave. It’s here that Nathan Summers has found a new home in the arms of Commander Avery Ryder.

Catch up with my review for Cable: Love and Chrome #2

Beaten, Broken, but Never Counted Out…Until Now?

During an intense battle with a couple of Techno Mutant Conclave agents, Cable had to muster all of his psionic powers to save Avery and himself whilst defeating their enemies. Now, Cable is being ravaged by the virus and he’s on the brink of death! When Avery and her resistance infiltrate the Conclaves base, they find themselves in a trap, and the only person that can save them will have to save himself first!

Cable: Love and Chrome…and A New Layer?

Courtesy of MARVEL Entertainment. Cover art by Adedotun Akande.

David Pepose has taken the action hero that’s always balls-to-the-wall bada** and given him another layer. It’s not like we haven’t seen him be vulnerable, but to see him feel “at home” is kind of new. Cable has something more to fight for that preventing a terrible future, or some apocalyptic super villain. Cable has a community to fight for, in his present. Everything is on the line right here and now. Pepose hit’s all of the spots we need to make Cable the perfect epic hero!

In this particular issue, we get this amazing journey in Cable’s mind where he’s literally fighting the virus terminator style, and he’s losing. The machines he’s fighting are overwhelming him much like the virus is his body. There is some wonderful inner dialogue throughout. While this is happening, we’ve got Avery preparing for battle. The two of them are mirrors of each other in certain ways which is a great tool for giving Cable a chance to learn more about himself.

Captain Planet Returns from David Pepose!

The Art of Cable: Love and Chrome

Mike Henderson keeps up this amazing style that feels gritty and epic at the same time. His work with the details of the Techno-Organic Virus are phenomenal. From the robots chasing Cable in his mind to his actual arm disassembling and reassembling, it’s all really well done. On top of that, we get some beautiful wide shots and dynamic action that makes it all feel like a big budget action movie!

The colors from Prianto are beautiful as well. Ethereal sunset skies, old dusty barrooms, and huge explosions bring us deeper into the settings and evoke the emotions of us as readers. It makes me yearn for the next panel or page, my eyes waiting for another treat!

Overall Grade: 9.1/10

This issue sets up the endgame for Cable, Avery, and the Conclave. Beautiful images are paramount to the story. Cable waxes poetic about philosophy, history, and his outlook on life. There’s a little less action than we’ve been accustomed to, but it’s still there and it’s still a lot of fun! This series as been a dark horse success and I have a good feeling that David Pepose will take us to new heights before it’s all said and done. That’s a wrap for me, but feel free to continue the conversation in the comments!

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Mickey Smith
Mickey Smith
Mickey, also known as “cellphone_wallet_keys" or C.W. Keys began his humble path to nerdom in front of a television set back in 1985. Since then, it’s been a true love of all things related to heroes and fantastic stories, whether it be movies, comic books, action figures, and video games. Mickey is the Movie Voice Guy for The Reel Study and a contributing content creator here at The Nerd Initiative.

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