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Creative Team – Jed MacKay(writer). Sean Parsons(inker). Netho Diaz(penciler). Fer Sifuentes-Sujo(colorist). VC’s Clayton Cowles(letterer). Ryan Stegman & Marte Gracia(cover artists)
Published by Marvel Entertainment
Catch up with the X-Manhunt event here!
The Story

The wild X-Manhunt crossover continues with mutants from all over looking for Professor Xavier! If you read Storm #6, then you saw Charles Xavier seek refuge that Storm’s home. He is on the run, and he turns to Storm for support, and surprisingly enough, she gives it. Storm and Maggot are now on Xavier’s team and plan on fighting for him, and expect there to be some heavy hitters coming for him. That proves to be true once the X-Men, lead by Cyclops show up looking for their former professor, and the great battle begins.
In X-Men #13, we pick up right where we left off with Storm and the X-Men. Storm attacked Cyclops with her new cosmic powers, leaving him in an icy position. Now, Professor has taken Beast to stop him from destroying the Thundercloud. All seems well until Kid Omega has joined the conversation looking to get his turn at taking down Xavier.
Meanwhile, Storm is continuing to fight for Xavier and she’s starting with Juggernaut, who’s looking a little worse for wear, which causes Magik and Temper to join in. Magik takes a peak into Storm’s soul and realizes that it’s not Storm they’re dealing with, as she’s been possessed. According to Magik, she isn’t possessed by a demon, but something much worse than that, which means they’re in way deeper than they originally thought.
The Writing
The X-Manhunt event has been so much fun, and I think it X-Men #13 is the perfect example of how exciting the event is. X-Men #13 has so many moving parts within the story, and they’re all written so fluidly by Jed MacKay. The fight between Kid Omega and Charles Xavier was a lot of excitement and kept me on the edge of my seat throughout the read. Storm fighting off the X-Men in Xavier’s name was interesting to see, given how Storm is possessed by Eternity, the living embodiment of universe.
Something else to note, there are a few cameos in X-Men #13 that I really didn’t expect. Without giving away anything, they were used perfectly.
The Art
The art of X-Men #13 was provided courtesy of Sean Parsons, Netho Diaz, Fer Sifuentes-Sujo, and Clayton Cowles, and they all exceeded every expectation. I would go as far to say that this is some of the best artwork of the entire run. One part to talk about in particular would have to be Kid Omega and Xavier’s telepathic battle between the two. With the darker tones, and the fantastic amount of attention paid to detail, we were given a dark and stunning war between the two omega level threats.
Overall Grade – 9.5/10
Let me know in the comments below what you think of the X-Manhunt event!
This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of X-Men #13, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!
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