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Creative Team – Stephanie Phillips(writer). Alessandro Miracolo(artist). David Curiel(color artist). VC’s Ariana Maher(letterer). Yasmine Putri(cover artist).
Published by Marvel Entertainment
Catch up with Phoenix #8 here!
CHAOS IN THE COSMIC ORDER! Enemies have beset Jean Grey from the moment she first soared into space — and with THANOS channeling his mystic and psychic might against her and PERRIKUS’ evil plans falling into place, it’s about time for something to change… DON’T MISS this MUST-READ ISSUE — as the PHOENIX rises to new power and prominence in the galaxy!(Credit: Marvel)
The Story
Last we left Jean Grey in Phoenix #8, she placed herself in a cosmic cocoon with the Phoenix Force, and revisited some memories she had with the X-Men. In the memories, it was when the X-Men went to take down the Dark Phoenix, but these memories were odd. The Phoenix Force tampered the memories to remind Jean that all power comes at a price. Emerging from the cocoon, Phoenix was even more powerful than she was before, if that’s even possible. Now, in her new powerful form, Phoenix has even bigger problems to worry about than she did before.
Meanwhile, Adani is struggling with the little bit of Phoenix Force she has left in her. Perrikus told her that the Shadow Realm will give her the power she needs, but she’s still unstable. Adani says she refuses to go back to nothing, and demands more power. Perrikus and his fellow Dark Gods need Adani to help the Shadow Realm grow. They want to reshape reality into darkness, where the Dark Gods will be the rulers of all.
Adani has more than a chip on her shoulder, and intends on taking it out on Jean, not aware that Jean is even more powerful than the last time she saw her.

The Writing
This Phoenix comic book run has been consistent in quality as you really can’t guess what will happen next, and it’s a guarantee it’ll be exciting. Jean becoming even more powerful than when we started with the first installment adds so many more possibilities for the future of Phoenix. The story itself continues to grow as the readers grow with anticipation. There are so many questions I’m excited to get answered. Where is Thanos? How much more powerful is Phoenix now? What will happen to Adani? Stephanie Phillips knows exactly how to keep you hooked to a story, especially with that cliffhanger we were left on in Phoenix #9.
The Art
The art has also been consistent in quality, and Phoenix #9 is so exception. With Jean’s new suit, she looks absolutely stunning, especially with the abstract flames coming from her body when she soars through the galaxy. With so many hard hitting panels, I think some of the best are towards the ends involving Adani and Jean.
Overall Grade – 8.9/10
Let me know in the comments below what you thought of Phoenix #9!
This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast. If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of Phoenix #9, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!
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