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NYX #9 – The Exciting Manhunt Has Begun!


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Cover art by Sara Pichelli & Federico Blee. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Creative Team – Jackson Lanzing & Collin Kelly(writers). Francesco Mortarino(artist). Raúl Angulo(color artist). VC’s Joe Sabino(letterer). Sara Pichelli & Federico Blee(cover artists).

Published by Marvel Entertainment


The Story

Professor Charles Xavier has escaped from Graymalkin Prison, and is on the run! It all started when Charles received a psychic distress signal from his daughter, and now he’s busted out of prison. Now, there’s a massive manhunt for the omega-level threat of an escapee, and Charles doesn’t really know who to trust.

Some mutants are not friends to him after all that went down with the Fall of Krakoa, and NYX is among that group. Anole brings Charles to the community center built by the members of NYX and says that this problem is much too big for the Morlocks to handle on their own.

David, AKA Prodigy, is automatic with his response of telling Charles to get out of the community center. But unfortunately, the problem at hand is much bigger than Prodigy’s anger towards Charles. According to Charles, the new Sorcerer Supreme, Doctor Doom, has control of the last remaining seed of Krakoa.

Variant cover art by Phil Noto. Published by Marvel Entertainment

Prodigy stays strong in his feelings, telling Charles that NYX isn’t a paramilitary force, and they aren’t Charles’ child soldiers. If Charles wants the seed so badly, he must get it himself. With Prodigy making it very clear that NYX has no interest to assist Charles or Anole with this, it comes as a surprise that a member would offer their assistance.

Kamala, AKA Ms. Marvel, says Charles shouldn’t have come to NYX for help, and that Charles needs to get out of NYC as soon as possible. If that means Kamala has to help in getting the last remaining seed of Krakoa from Doom, then that’s what she will do.

The Writing

Jackson Lanzing and Collin Kelly set the tone immediately with an ominous monologue directed at Charles Xavier that continues throughout NYX #9. The monologue itself puts a lot of what Charles does in the comic in perspective, showing that he will do whatever he can and hurt whoever he can to achieve his goals, which is what he did in NYX #9.

Having Anole and Ms. Marvel fight his battles without so much as a look back from him was haunting but unsurprising of the escapee. With NYX #9 being part two of seven, I’d say Lanzing and Kelly really did well adding to the set tone for the event overall.

The Art

With the art done by Francesco Mortarino, this was sure to be a beautiful feast for the eyes with the amount of detail each panel was given. Add that with colors from Raúl Angulo, and letters by Joe Sabino, and you have yourself a stunning comic book. NYX #9 had some really great moments art-wise that added a lot of depth to the storyline. With gorgeous cool toned colors throughout the fight with Kamala and Anole, juxtaposed the bright reds, it made the fight feel so much bigger. The artists of NYX continue to impress with NYX #9 and I can’t wait to see what they do next.

Overall Grade – 8.8/10

Let me know in the comments below what you thought of NYX #9!

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This review was written by Megan from the Vigilante Vibes Podcast! If you liked my review, be sure to check out my other reviews! Let me know what you think of NYX #9, or tell me what comics you’d recommend me trying out! Find me on my socials, and check out my Marvel podcast, Vigilante Vibes, by clicking here!

Megan Nichole
Megan Nichole
Megan from the Vigilante Vibes podcast, a nontoxic Marvel podcast that has the goal of spreading positivity and inclusiveness in the Marvel fandom. Group owner of The Nerd Haven on Facebook, a nontoxic nerd culture group of 50k+. Comic reviewer and asst. editor/ brand advisor for Nerd Initiative. Penguin enthusiast.

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