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JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #3 by Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, Mike Perkins, Adriano Lucas, and Wes Abbott (DC COMICS)

With great power comes greater measures. In the wake of Amanda Waller’s attack on the DCU superpowered community, there have been complications. Some has their powers transferred away. Ryan Choi and Ray Palmer have attempted to solve this problem. The only question following them is: was the cost too much?

JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #3 by Ryan Parrott, John Ridley, Mike Perkins, Adriano Lucas, and Wes Abbott continues the ambitious project looming over the DCU heroes.

Let’s take a closer look at what happens now.


In its’ strongest moments, readers are getting the set-up for the tragic fall of Captain Atom. When the moments gel, there is something that cements the story’s importance. This isn’t fluid to do the structure of past vs. present.

It proves more difficult to put the pieces together due to its time hopping. There is one moment that really stands out throughout the jumping.

After Choi and Palmer have proved another test worked, a disturbance erupts on the tower. Readers watch as a noble Captain deals with it head on. The rescue might have tipped the writers hand as how the present takes shape. Once in the close, the ending plays off this set-up well. It also throws Palmer into a polarizing light. His actions through this series have had some suspicion. This really comes to fruition here. The issue bows out with a great cliffhanger that proves the project becomes even more complicated.


Perkins and Lucas show a happier side of the troubled Captain with a full page image. This goes against his present state. The facial expressions tell the struggle and pain Atom is dealing with. Readers watch as the burden of Power becomes too heavy.

The rescue pages begin with the painful ordeal of power switching. As the Atoms celebrate, Atom Smasher is screaming. This is an indicator of how their project isn’t exactly safe. there’s no time to rest when the Tower is rocked in its’ Triage Unit. A two-page spread shows the mad state unfolding. Palmer’s fearful look spells certain disaster. Captain Atom makes an effort to save the day with a half page image. The results (imo) can be seen in the closing pages. Before readers get the payoff, a familar face crashes. The final full page shot leaves a hint of excitement as things wrap up.


Three issues in and the structure style hampers what should be a pay-off in waiting. The writing hones in on the painful saga of Captain Atom. Each panel mirrors the deadly grind to solve this overbearing dilemma. Once the closing page hits, readers are left with a showdown that will either make or break the project. The choice is theirs.

Let me know your thoughts on JUSTICE LEAGUE: THE ATOM PROJECT #3 in the comments below. Thanks for reading! CLICK HERE FOR MORE CONTENT FROM KEN

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Ken M.
Ken M.
Executive Producer/Host of the ODPH (Ocho Duro Parlay Hour) Podcast. Ken is also Nerd Initiative's Comics Editor-In-Chief/Brand Advisor and host of "Turn A Page". Ken is also a freelance Pro Wrestling Blogger and an all around fan of Sports, Movies Tv, Comics and Pro Wrestling

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