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Gateway City is in peril. The Tetracide is poised to destroy everything in its path. A hero has emerged to try stopping it. She is Diana of Themyscira. Fans may know the name. They definitely do not. In the world of the Absolute Universe, forget all you know. A new legend is forging her own path.
ABSOLUTE WONDER WOMAN #5 by Kelly Thompson, Hayden Sherman, Jordie Bellaire and Becca Carey delivers on a big time fight for the ages.
Let’s take a closer look at how things play out here.
Thompson is blazing a new mythos with her version of Diana. Knowing how outmatched she is, Diana goes to drastic measures. The writing walks the audience through the formation of a key weapon. It also harkens back to the bond she has with Circe. Their relationship has been Diana’s strength growing in Hades. The result is the tough talk needed to take the next step.
Once back in present time, Thompson throws a well placed curve into the mix. The attack Diana throws down is massive. It is not one without consequence. Readers watch as she takes an orthodox strike at stopping the creature. The fallout is fitting for the measure taken. Readers watch as Diana grows in her confidence as a warrior. It appears to be challenged yet again by the ending. Brace for a shocking ending that Diana may not be able to handle.
Sherman and Bellaire deliver on the championship bout at hand. The Tetracide comes off as menacing as one would think. Diana is presented in big page images. It’s an instant connection with readers. Stakes feel instantly monumental. Coming off the detailed backstory of her weapon, Diana’s attack grows further.
Grow is an understatement. A full page image displays her new plan in full form. The art shines in bringing this bout to a close. It’s fallout is back to back two page spreads. They equally wrap up events for the battle. The art also brings forth a sense of a new beginning. Judging by the last page, it is short lived. The final images open up an uncertain path that will have fans talking.
The Tetracide and Diana face-off in an intense confrontation in this latest chapter. Thompson hits on some creative takes with the writing. Sherman, Bellaire and Carey stage the monstrous bout with fantastic art. Welcome to a brand new era that you shouldn’t miss.
Let me know your thoughts on Absolute Wonder Woman #5 in the comments below. Thanks for reading!
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